
What Are the Benefits of Reading the Bible?

benefits of reading the bible

Did you know that the number of people who pick up their Bible every day has dropped significantly during the coronavirus pandemic? One of the main reasons cited was the inability to meet with spiritual groups and connect due to lockdowns, mandates, and social distancing rules. However, you do not have to stop reading your Bible … Read more

A Basic Guide To Understanding The Use Of Meditation

Basic Guide Meditation

When people hear the word ‘meditation,’ most think it’s a way to become a better, new, or a different person. However, that’s not the concept of meditation. Instead, it’s the practice of disciplining oneself to have a healthy sense of perspective and awareness.   Through meditation, you can better understand your feelings and thoughts instead of … Read more

All You Need to Know About Reform Judaism


As you can tell from the name, Reform Judaism is a religious movement that has modified or abandoned a number of the traditional Jewish beliefs, laws and practices with the aim of adapting Judaism to the changed social, political, and cultural conditions of the modern world. It is also known as liberal Judaism or progressive … Read more

Where Does Blue Sandstone Come From?

Blue Sandstone

If you’ve been into crystals for a while now, you’re unlikely to have missed that deep blue variety that’s been popping out everywhere. It’s called a Blue Sandstone, but it also comes in an orange version called Goldstone. This galaxy-resembling stone has become a staple in online shops, particularly at Soul Charms, due to its … Read more

A Guide for Exploring Your Spirituality in Life and Work


Spirituality is a concept easily dismissed by those who have a very practical and scientific mind, or those who aren’t particularly religious. However, it’s important to let go of any stigma attached to the word ‘spirituality’, as there is no reason that even the most practical and scientific minds can’t explore their own spirituality in … Read more

Seeking Answers: What Is a Spiritual Advisor?

Spiritual Hands

If you wanted to get in shape, you’d look for a physical fitness coach. If you wanted to lose weight, you’d at least consult the writings of a nutrition coach. If you were starting a business, you’d look for some sort of business coach or guru – so why should your spirituality be any different? … Read more