
5 Fun Crafts You Can Make With an Electronic Cutting Machine

cutting machine

Cutting machines are incredibly versatile – which is why they are so popular among crafters right now. Although cutting machines have been around for a while, they definitely weren’t as versatile and easy to operate as they are today. Older cutting machines took sets of cartridges with pre-drawn stencils – but replacing the cartridges got … Read more

5 Ways You Can Better Explain Your Art to Others


Over the course of your career, it is likely that you will have to explain your art to many people from all kinds of walks of life. Whether you are explaining your artwork to an industry professional or world-renowned art collector like Charles Saatchi or selling it to an average person with no technical knowledge … Read more

Know The Best Hacksaw Manufacturer

Know The Best Hacksaw Manufacturer

The industries which are engaged in the area of manufacturing of various items have to deal with numerous machines and tools. Here it is important that the operator of the machine must know how to use it and which tools need to be used where. This can help him to get the task completed on … Read more

Categories Art

Tips to make your Best Epoxy Tumbler

Tips to make your Best Epoxy Tumbler

Epoxy tumblers seem to be all the rage and everyone seems to be having at least one in their homes and offices. The reason for the popularity of these tumblers is their catchy and fun appearance. An Epoxy tumbler is quite easy to make, and most people are using DIY practices to create their own unique designs … Read more

Categories Art

Getting to know the art movements

Getting to know the art movements

While going back to history, it is incredible to find how different styles of art and design movements have brought so much difference in society. Today also we can feel the impact of it.  You must know that these movements may have occurred 100 years ago or 30 years ago and to understand each of … Read more

Interesting Candle Making Decrees

Interesting Candle Making Decrees

In case you’re making candles, for pastime or benefit, it can feel strict now and again.  Not that light making is a faction or anything (regardless of whether it feels that route now and again), yet rather a local area coordinated around a great specialty. Regardless of whether it’s to set aside cash as a … Read more

Categories Art

A Painting and a canvas: What’s the difference?


The most frequently asked questions I receive in the decoration theme are about what a canvas is, what are the differences and benefits between a canvas and a painting, and how to decide between a canvas or painting. Both paintings and canvases are used to tell and record our history and to express our tastes, … Read more

How to make fake food for reborn baby dolls?

reborn doll

A reborn doll is a life-like doll that has been assembled and customized by an artist to resemble a real-life infant. There are some cases that those hyper-realistic baby dolls have been occasionally mistaken for a real baby, because of its realistic appearances. Since the reborn movement in the late 1990s, creating reborns become popular … Read more