
Mycelium Leather that Feels and Looks like the Real Thing

Are you also one of those who love leather but would love it even more if sustainable? Well, then you are not alone. There is finally a new advancement in the leather industry that is proven to be free of any pollutants or negative impacts on the environment. Yes, that is true. We are talking about the Mycelium leather that is making its way to the markets now and feels and looks exactly like the leather we prefer. The best part about mycelium leather is that it is eco-friendly and is made from mushrooms. Yes, you read it right, mushrooms! It is sustainable and free from any waste products that other leather industries tend to create.

How is Mycelium Leather Created?

The process of mycelium creation starts with cells that are known to be mycelium cells, which are found under the roots and are the most vegan part of mushrooms. Mycelium leather is created by first looking for the proper substrates on which the mushrooms tend to grow. Once those substrates are achieved, they are then taken for moisturizing. Yes, you read it right. The most common substrates that the mushrooms tend to use as food are wood chips, corn, and straw.

After the moisturizing procedure is done, the substrates are then dampened and transferred to a bag now; why is that? It is done to quicken mycelium creation and kill any bacteria that may intervene later in the process. After the dampening is done, the next step involves pasteurizing, which involves heating the substrates.

How Long Does the Mycelium Leather take to Grow?

The process of growing for mycelium takes around two to three weeks since once the above procedure is done, mycelium is then taken to spawn and thereby shifted into bags. Once in the bags, the compound is thoroughly colonized by the fungi. When all of this is done, now comes the time where your mycelium leather will just require a bit of time and attention.

As told earlier, the mycelium will take about a few weeks to grow, and within this period’s several factors that will affect its growth include the sunlight. The type of substrate you have used for it, the ventilation you have provided, humidity levels, etc. After a few weeks, when the mycelium has reached the size of your preference. It will then be extracted from the bag and go through a bit of compression to transform it into the shape and size you want.

Different Types of Mycelium Fabric:

One of the unique properties that mycelium leather constitutes includes its ability to switch into any animal leather form, yes that is right. Now how can that be possible? Well, there are few ways mycelium leather can be made, which solely depends upon the manufacturer.

 During the compression process, if the manufacturer wills, he can alter the texture, color, and material of the mycelium leather by adding in another dye or switching the form of compression. It was being used, and the exciting part of this is that the end product that you will get with these alterations will be the leather similar to those other animals like python, cow to name a few. Once the process is done, mycelium is then dried and is all set for your use.


By the end of this article, we hope we have helped you with some of the exciting facts about mycelium leather and how it is undoubtedly an excellent initiative for our fashion industry.