Every use of the material wealth makes you happy on a short term. You need to pay for the future vacation or visit some special place with money, right?
The truth is that we can’t live without having money. I know some of you will say that love is the thing, but you can’t eat it to avoid starving to death.
I think you understand me.
However, money can’t buy happiness. The material things are here. You buy them, and after a short period, they become ordinary and unexciting.
The level of satisfaction of buying new things falls apart, and you are still living in that phase where you hope that buying more will feed the hunger for happiness.
What happens when you can’t find it? You purchase something else, and this process repeats itself again and again.
Researchers brought a decision to save you from the struggle and say that traveling will make you happier than material wealth.
The whole study was done at Cornell University. The leading researcher is the psychology professor Thomas Gilowich who broke the cycle of what makes you happy.
He showed how the memories of our previous traveling experience continue to supply us with happiness hormones for a longer period.
I can be a living proof of that because I still recharge my batteries from the ski vacation my family took a month ago.
The memories and happy periods we had will stay forever. Every new destination hides its own beauty you are going to talk about for a longer period.
Just by talking about it, you feel like you are recharging yourself.
Going to unusual events, learning new skills, going on trips, even trying out extreme sports are a wonderful source of happiness for every single person.
A new device or a new car will become another item you own. It will become old and outdated fast.
On the other hand, a new memory becomes a wonderful source of joy that stays with us for the rest of our lives.
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Source: Brightside