
How To Deep Clean Your Home – The Essential Guide

Summer is finally here, and for anyone who postponed spring cleaning thanks to everything that is going on in the world right now, it’s time to open up those windows, roll up your sleeves and get into some good old fashioned home cleaning. 

Of course, keeping things clean has been the name of the game over the last twelve months and more. We have gone through bottles upon bottles of hand sanitizer, we have wiped down every purchase we have made, and we’ve made sure to keep washing our reusable masks. But when things are so hectic and we are all so preoccupied, those big cleans can be pushed to the bottom of the agenda. However, now that more of us are getting vaccinated and we are starting to be able to welcome people into our homes again, it is high time that we get the cleaning products out and get to work.

If you are not sure where to start, a full home deep clean can seem a little daunting. It’s especially true if you have not done it for a while, or if you have just moved into a new place. Every new room seems to unveil a new source of dirt, everything you move to clean reveals a new horror. But don’t panic, and don’t give up. We are here to help you get to grips with your deep clean with a few simple steps.

Give Yourself Enough Time To Do It Properly

First things first: do not try and do a deep clean at the end of the day or squeeze it in before you start work. A job like this is going to take some time, and if you leave it until the last minute, you will end up being discouraged by just how much there is to do. So, rather than wake up one morning and saying to yourself “today is the day”, plan ahead. Talk to your partner or housemates about when they have time to help you and fix a day or two in the diary as deep cleaning time. Of course, any little bits that you can do ahead of time to chip away it will help but knowing that you have a time slot will help keep you motivated.

Make Sure You Have All The Tools You Need

This one might sound simple, but if you’re anything like us, it doesn’t take very much to make us procrastinate and put off a big job to another day. With that in mind, don’t leave it until the day of the big clean to find that you have no rubber gloves, so you’ll just have to do it next weekend. 

Get all your cleaning products in ahead of time, make sure that the vacuum cleaner has been emptied and is ready to go, and remember to get those trash bags ready. Some essential tools for any home deep clean include plenty of clean dusting cloths and sponges, a good brush, a mop, a broom, baking soda, white vinegar, and cleaning fluid for windows, glass and wood. One thing that we would suggest is that you try your best to use avoid chemicals where possible. Natural, environmentally friendly cleaning options work just as well in a lot of situations.

Get Rid Of As Much Clutter Beforehand As You Can

Preparation is not just about making sure that you have plenty of hot soapy water on hand. Give your home a good tidy before you commit to starting a deep clean to avoid wasting time and energy on trying to find a space for those magazines on the floor. Move those boxes out of the way so you are not constantly tripping over things. Take your laundry off the drying rack so you’re not distracted by another task. Get as much as you can into drawers and onto bookshelves so you have as much room to work as you can.

Make A Plan Of Action And Stick To It

With a big job like a deep clean, a methodical approach is always best and that comes more naturally to some than others. If you know that you have a tendency to get distracted or flustered, figure out which order you are going to tackle each room in ahead of time. Trying to do everything at once simply won’t work, as you will be pinging from the bathroom to the kitchen and leaving a lot of tasks unfinished. It will also give you the satisfaction of being able to cross tasks off your list as you go.

Get Into The Bathroom

One of the biggest jobs in any deep clean is the bathroom. You could be looking at a potential mold situation if the room has not been properly ventilated or if there has been a lot of moisture left to stand. You could be looking at a lot of limescale build-up if you live in a hard-water area. Then, of course, there is all the classic bathroom gunk and grime that is always going to need attention. Hair, soap residue, and more…it all adds up and it all needs taking care of. 

Start by giving all the white surfaces a scrub (we’re talking about sinks, tubs and toilet bowls). Wipe down those windows, lights and mirrors to tackle dust and any extra dirt that has got into the fixtures. Your grout will definitely need attention, and don’t forget about those drains. Grease build-ups, toiletries and hair are just a few of the ways that your drains can get blocked, so giving it a go with a shower drain snake will help. You can learn more about how to clear clogged drains here. The Shroom Company offers a range of cleaning products as well as tools to prevent issues occurring in future.

The Kitchen Needs Your Attention

Once the bathroom is done, the kitchen should be next on your list. There are so many spaces where dirt, grease and grime can accumulate so put those rubber gloves on and get stuck in. Pay special attention to the inside of your cooker (and underneath it). Move the refrigerator so you can clean underneath it and behind it. Get into those kitchen cabinets, mop the floor, and don’t forget about your washer-dryer. You should also pour hot water down your kitchen sink to lower the chances of it getting blocked, and don’t pour anything you have cleaned down it. 

Bedroom And Living Room

Into the spaces with soft furnishings! Again, it is so important to get under those heavy pieces of furniture, so don’t be afraid to move your bed and your sofa. Think about the spaces that don’t normally get much attention during a standard clean (the tops of bookcases, headboards, etc). Dust those lights and ceiling fans. 

Another important tip is to flip your mattress. Advice varies on how often you should be doing this from three months to twelve months but think about how much dust and dirt accumulates on there! In the living room, move the electronic devices as there will be a lot of dust on, under and around them. Finally, the windows. This is a great task to leave until last as it’s a relatively quick job that brings renewed sparkle almost instantly.

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