
4 Causes of Mental Overload & How to Eliminate Them

Feeling overwhelmed is a common human experience from time to time, but what do you do when it becomes a daily occurrence, and your constant state of mind? In this guide, we explore the most common causes of mental overwhelm, why they are detrimental to your wellness, and what you can do to claim back your inner peace and productivity.

You’ll learn some of the seemingly benign habits that actually contribute to an anxious emotional state, and how you can change your life by changing a few habits.

Signs of Mental Overload

  • Feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel of tasks, and that your to-do list is always full no matter how much you get done.
  • Forgetting key tasks and realizing that many important things keep slipping through the cracks.
  • Burnout and never fully feeling rested, and feeling a sense of anxiety when you think about what needs to get done.
  • Not being mentally present. That includes stressing about work when you should be enjoying personal time, and panicking about what needs to be done at home while you need to be focused on work. 

What Causes Overload?

Taking On Too Much

We all have so many different roles and responsibilities in our lives, but sometimes, it can cross from being a healthy amount to just being way too much for us to bear. One of the reasons people mental overwhelm is just having too many plates spinning in the air.

This could be because we’re taking on too much at work, that we’ve taken on an extra role somewhere else in our lives, or because things on the homefront are more hectic than usual.

There’s a lot of pressure to feel like you’re a superhero, and that you need to be firing on all cylinders at all times, but this just isn’t always possible, even for high achievers.

If we have too much on our plates and we’re struggling to manage it all, it’s not surprising that it results in such an overload of mental stress and that we start feeling overwhelmed. This is the moment to be more honest with yourself than ever, and consider restructuring your life.

Not Getting Help or Delegating

In many cases, taking on too much is usually connected to not asking for help and delegating some of the things taking up too much space on our plates. There are so many resources we can tap into that would make our lives easier, and give us the time to focus on what truly matters.

Nowadays, we can hire people to help us out with anything from errands to the often neglected tasks around the home that pile up and stress us out. Imagining knowing that some of the things you need are no longer on your to-do list.

Often, we forget things like reorganizing a room in our home. We can get professional organizers to help us deal with that. We can also get professionals to help us with other important tasks in the home. For example, window cleaning is a task we often overlook, but is actually an important part of keeping our homes looking presentable and attractive.

According to Geek Window Cleaning, a company that specializes in window cleaning in Austin,“Cleaning windows is not a project that most people enjoy in their precious spare time, and often it’s something they put on the back burner or forget entirely. That is why we recommend you schedule window cleaning every quarter.”

The same goes for other types of cleaning and organization around the home, like deep cleaning and de-cluttering—both of which can help you clear your mind and feel happier and more comfortable in your space.

Having it planned out in advance means you don’t have to think about it, while still having the peace of mind that it will be handled. You can do this with many errands and tasks, from having certain grocery items delivered regularly like clockwork, to laundry for you and your family. By leaning into people who help busy people, you can reduce your mental stress significantly, and improve your quality of life.


Procrastination doesn’t just steal your time, it creates stress too. Imagine having ample time to do a task, and then putting it off and ending up with a huge stack of tasks you can’t manage. This is the kind of chaos that procrastination creates.

It’s critical that we get better at managing our time, and sticking to a productive schedule so that we do tasks with enough room to breathe. Having too much too to do, and then rushing through the things we have to do compromises the quality of our work, and makes us feel overwhelmed, exhausted and even guilty. By working to eliminate the things that cause procrastination, we’re able to get our calm energy back, and it will make everything so much better.


Did you know that being in an untidy and cluttered place heavily contributes to you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed?

When a room is disorganized, we constantly feel like something is amiss, and we expend a lot of mental energy trying to process the mess and that’s what makes us feel so drained.

By the time we have to start working on doing what’s important, our brains are tired out by all the processing of the clutter. If you want to reduce your overwhelm, keep a clean and tidy house. You’ll be surprised by how much a clean environment will make you feel at peace and in control.

We don’t have to suffer from mental stress and overwhelm. If we take the right actions, we can eliminate all the things that can lead to us feeling anxious and drained. By taking things off our plates, and managing our time and environment more effectively, we can claim mental clarity and joy every single day.

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