Want to gift something, but are tired of gifting dolls and cars, and the like? Here are 10 unique gifts you can gift a child. This list includes play-toys, educational kits, crafty activities, and much more! The list is all about experience-gifting. We’ll help you gift the child an experience.
While Some gifts will inspire his imagination, some will build his focus, and some will make him conscious to the environment around him. There are also gifts here that are ideal for groups. So, if the child has siblings, or playmates that come over, then you can opt for these gifts. We will include the names of brands and the age-limits with each pointer on our list. Happy gifting to you!
- Brain Booster Puzzle
Puzzles are the best gift you can give to a kid! Puzzles tickle their curiosity, and instill a try-till-you-succeed attitude. Kids love this little activity. While there are all kinds of puzzles, the best one is Play Panda’s Brain Booster puzzle. In this, you get 11 magnetic shapes and a magnetic board. There are 56 patterns in the leaflet. You must pick one of them and arrange the magnetic shapes to match the pattern.
The best part is that you can get this puzzle at Hamleys. The brand is known for its incredible discounts. You can grab the latest discounts offered by Hamleys before buying it online.
Ideal for ages: 6+
- DIY Doll Making Kit
The DIY Doll Making Kit from Potli is perfect for kids. Let them create a thing of beauty that will last a lifetime! Two Bengal/Kerala/Gujarat/Punjab dolls will keep them engaged, and make for a fun activity with their playmates. The kit will come with doll materials, costumers, trims, accessories, and glue.
Ideal for ages: 10+
- Subscription Box
Story books, board games, DIY projects, worksheets, and craft activities – all come together in a subscription box. These boxes are packed with things that will keep your child engaged for a month. The best part is that these boxes are age-appropriate. You can select your child’s age, and get a box that is neither too hard for him, nor too easy. There are all kinds of subscription boxes in the market- there are book boxes, activity boxes, educational boxes, and all-in-one boxes. You can buy a single box, or subscribe for a period of 3, 6, or 9 months. The costs start at Rs.600 per box.
Ideal for ages: All ages
- Pictionary Card Game
Pictionary and charades come together to make the craziest card game ever! In Pictionary card game, you will get movie names, songs, scenes, and words to enact. To enact these, you will get a set of image cards. You can combine multiple image cards to give clues to the other player.
Ideal for ages: 8+
- DIY Block Printing Kit
Bring out the designer in your kid! A DIY Block Printing Kit is a perfect solution for weekends. The kit comes with a cotton t-shirt, a fabric paint, and a hand-crafted wooden stamp. Gift this to your kid, and watch him navigate through the creative processes of designing, stamping, and customizing.
Ideal for ages: 4+
- A story-telling game
Enhance your child’s concentration and listening powers with this super fun story-telling game from Frank. It can be played in a group of 2 to 5 players. There are 70 picture cards to draw from. On his turn, a kid will draw a card, and use it to continue the story of the kid before him. Children are naturally imaginative. What this game will do is make them fast-thinkers, and enhance their ability to link characters, places, and objects.
Ideal for ages: 6+
- Wearable Blanket
Who doesn’t love a wearable blanket? Kids especially love them. Brands like Oodie manufacture these super-cozy pieces of clothing. These are neither blankets nor hoodies, but a combination of both. They are oversized. They are warm. They are soft like a butter. Gift an Oodie to a kid and tell us if he doesn’t fly to the moon with joy.
Ideal for ages: 9+
- Buddha Board
A Buddha Board is a magic canvas for kids. The board comes with a brush that the kid can use to draw on the board. No inks or paints required; all you’ll need is some water. The painting will slowly fade away as the water evaporates, and the board will be ready for a fresh new image. In this way, the Buddha Board is super environment-friendly and it saves a lot of paper. As for the kids, it teaches them the art of letting go, which is why the name ‘Buddha’. You can also find the product under names like ‘Zen Artist Board’, ‘Magic Canvas’, etc.
Ideal for ages: 5+
- Operation Pet Scan
Operation Pet Scan is a super fun, super interactive game for kids. The kids will play vet and remove things that their toy pet, named Rex-Ray, shouldn’t have eaten. They have to drag these plastic pieces along the path of his belly and out via his tail. If they drop it within the belly, a buzzer will go off. If they successfully drag it out, the dog will make a bark or fart sound.
Ideal for ages: 6+
- Kids Gardening Kit
Want your kids to garden, but are nervous that they’ll get themselves hurt? Get a gardening kit for kids. These gardening kits will have kid-friendly tools that are both small and safe. In the kit from NurseryLive, you can expect vegetable seeds of two kinds, and bulbs of two kinds for the kid to plant. There will also be 5KGs of ready-to-use soil mix and 3 round pots. The chosen vegetables and flowering bulbs are easy and fast-growing. This will build the kid’s self-confidence. Apart from that, the vegetables (radish and coriander) are super healthy. You can add them in the kid’s diet. The soil you’ll get with the pack is also rich in nutrients. So, you wouldn’t have to trouble yourself to find good soil.
Ideal for ages: 8+