I haven’t met a woman who doesn’t hate cellulite. It comes really unexpected.
That’s probably the most stubborn fat I’ve ever seen. It looks so ugly anywhere on your body.
Cellulite doesn’t recognize age or weight. Every woman has it. The trick here is how you attack it.
Lots of women think starving is the key. They will lose weight in an unhealthy way only to see cellulite again.
That’s not the way. If you ask me, the secret is exercising. You will force your cellulite out by giving it some trouble through exercising.

Or like my trainer put it: You are going to sweat your fat out!
There are lots of masks for removing cellulite on the Internet. Some of them help and some don’t. Women have different metabolisms, skin types, and fat.
I found this 3-ingredient paste recently and it seemed legit.
The magic is in the caffeine!
Yep. This is a coffee paste that will help your battle against cellulite.
You might have heard that caffeine reduces the edema around the fat and makes it smooth and elastic. In several weeks, you will have a lean and smooth body.
What makes this coffee scrub so effective?
Many of you will comment how there are other pastes on the Internet like this. What makes this so special?
Like I said, it’s in the caffeine. Let’s have a sneak peak into the caffeine.
The caffeine:
- Is rich in antioxidants
- Exfoliates
- Makes the Blood Flow smoother
- Tightens the blood vessels and firms them
- Gives you great aromatherapy
Here is the paste I was telling you about.
- 1 cup caffeinated ground coffee
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup olive oil
- Blend all ingredients on medium speed until you get a nice and smooth mixture
- Pour it up in a clean jar with a lid
How to use it?
Before using this scrub, you need to wash and clean your body well. Apply this scrub by smoothing it on your problematic areas. Slowly massage in a circular motion.
Do this for several minutes 2-3 times in a week.
How does this work?
The sugar level in this scrub will serve you as an exfoliant and thorough scrub. The olive oil will do a perfect job keeping your skin hydrated. This will open up a clear path for the caffeine to kick the cellulite’s butt.
Pass this through your friends. They will thank you later!