Should I pay so much for a blender?
Yes, you should if it is the Vitamix. And here’s why.
First of all, you will never have to worry about whether it will blend whatever you want to blend. It will. It will blend anything you can think of: fruit smoothies for your breakfast and cocktails for your party, creamy soup for your dinner on a weekday and cake batter for the chocolate beauty you are planning to bake for your family dinner on Sunday, DIY nut flours for your daughter who is experimenting with baking and raw juices from whole fruits and vegetables for your son who is now a rawtarian. It will blend anything you might think of.
It is powerful. No, I’m not talking about the 2 hp under the hood, which we all know about now. What I mean is that it is so powerful that it will make your soup hot while blending it. You don’t even have to use a saucepan to heat it afterward. Just add some salt, pepper, and a bit of olive oil. Tada!
The Vitamix will not only provide you with the opportunity to choose the speed you prefer, it will also give you absolute control over the speed. Now you can manually control the blades’ rotating speed. Whether you are making a smoothie or some mayonnaise, you can set the exact speed you want. Moreover, the machine has a dial to choose the intensity. On the other hand, you can press a button and do something else and will still get a perfect consistency.
Many people worry whether their blender’s motor will survive several minutes of high-speed blending. The Vitamix will. It seems to be virtually indestructible. Moreover, it comes with a five- to ten-year full warranty, which will take all the rest of your worries away.
Let’s look at it from a different angle. Whatever you buy, it’s an investment. We often buy clothes or gadgets paying a price much higher than that of the Vitamix. And some of these items only last for a year or two or, even worse, will be outdated before the end of the year. The Vitamix will serve you for years, though. Just think about it. Years of using a high-quality appliance that will make your cooking adventure so much easier and hassle-free.
I must admit I have destroyed several blenders so far. One of them fell victim to my experiments with pasta dough. Another was sacrificed to my summer love affair with ice. So, this time I wanted something I can do anything with, something I can completely rely on so that I never again have to invent how to do things being halfway through a recipe.
The choice was right because the Vitamix has transformed what I cook and how I do it, and therefore what I eat, too. I definitely consume more smoothies because it’s easy to get the silky texture I like—finely pureed and completely pulverized. I eat soup much more often than I used to thanks to its wonderful ability to make it hot. Yes, I’ll repeat it once again: you can make steaming hot soups right in the Vitamix. Soup is actually cooked by the friction of the molecules in the blender, by the way. You can make cold raw soups such as gazpacho, too, of course.
Another quality I like about this blender is that it saves time. Don’t get me wrong; I like cooking, but I definitely prefer to spend less time doing routine things. The Vitamix has a cleaning setting! All you have to do is put a drop of dish soap in with some warm water, and that’s it. It cleans itself. The old dilemma of whether using a blender actually saves you time because of the hassle of cleaning it is out of the picture.
All in all, there are several reasons I would highly recommend investing in the Vitamix. Like any well-thought-out investment, it will save you money in the long term: having the Vitamix, you’ll never buy another smoothie out, and we all know how expensive they can be. Apart from drinking more smoothies, you will be making and eating more healthy foods and soups. Little by little, you will start replacing junk and processed food with raw ingredients and will enjoy making your meals from scratch, which will be good for you because it will improve your overall health and wellness.
My final word of advice is that, if you are still not confident you want to spend so much on a blender or if this is going to be your first blender and you are not sure you’ll use it that often or if you want to buy a blender for a gift to your better half or friend but can’t afford to spend so much, you might want to consider other options too Just don’t let money issues ruin your better and healthy cooking dreams!