
Why Is STEM Education So Important?

STEM education is something you’ve likely seen and heard an increasing amount about in the last couple of decades, and with good reason. Many leaders and experts in the education sector, as well as other related industries, believe it is the way forward and that STEM should be an integral part to any modern school curriculum. Why is STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as it’s also known, so important, you may wonder? In the following post we are going to outline some of the major benefits of this form of education.

Encourages Creativity and Ingenuity

When STEM education is paired with creativity and ingenuity it can result in brand-new innovations and ideas. Without that creativity and ingenuity, digital learning and the advancements of AI would be impossible.

Strengthens Resilience

While taking part in lessons and activities in STEM schools, pupils can learn new things in a safe environment where trial and error is possible. With STEM, there is an importance placed on failure in learning, encouraging students that it is okay and positive to embrace their mistakes. They can then build up their resilience and confidence which will prepare them for when things get rough in later life.

There is strong evidence from people in the past that failure is a part in the journey to success.

Encourages Students to Experiment

There are so many technological developments, improvements and advancements that have occurred over the last few decades that would not have happened if it weren’t for experimentation and risk-taking. Many of the greatest tech achievements occurred when people were told their ideas weren’t feasible, but they persisted to see if they were.

That attitude can be encouraged with the risk-taking and experimentation that goes together with STEM education.

Proves the Value of Teamwork

Students of all levels and abilities can be taught STEM subjects. You can have teams of pupils with different abilities and levels of understanding working together to give presentations, write up reports, record data and solve problems, as well as many other things. What happens as a result? You have a group of pupils who understand the value of working together in a team and how to do it.

Encourages Them to Apply Knowledge

STEM education is not just about the cold hard facts of the subjects involved. Students taking part in STEM learning are taught skills they will be able to use later in life when they are working and socializing. This will encourage pupils to learn, as they will see the value of those skills.

Provides Encouragement for the Use of Tech

One thing that comes through strongly when STEM education is taught is the value and power of innovation and technology. This means that when students meet new tech, they will be ready to embrace them, rather than being fearful, anxious or hesitant. The result of this is that they will have the upper hand globally, as we shift towards a more tech-centered world.

Teaches Them Problem-Solving

When students are taught STEM subjects, they learn how to participate in problem-solving and make better use of critical thinking. Learning experiences shows them how they can effectively examine problems and develop plans to find solutions.

Encourages Them to Adapt

One of the keys to succeed in our ever-changing world is being able to adapt by applying what is learned to various scenarios.  Students who take part in a STEM education curriculum learn all about adaption, taking concepts they learn and adjusting them to suit specific issues, problems and situations.

There you have it, very clear benefits of STEM education being an important part of the curriculum.

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