The relationship between parents and the child mainly affects the child’s development. The right approach to education can have a positive impact on children’s self-esteem, school performance, development of cognitive skills, and behavior. For example, explaining to children what excitement and measure in virtual games are essential. Since gambling establishments have always been in great demand among fans of gambling for money. Millions of people moved to popular Gclub after real casinos, and slot machine halls were urgently closed in many countries.
How important is this?
Parents differ in how they respond to their children’s signals and control their behavior. Quality education, which is characterized by a soft attitude to the child, the development of his cognitive skills and moderate control, provides the child with safety and conditions for development. Indeed, many of the skills that children acquire at an early age depend on the quality of their interaction with their parents.
For example, parents play an important role in developing language skills, problem-solving skills, social and emotional skills (such as emotional regulation, stress response, and self-esteem).
In addition, parents influence the formation of positive behaviors and the correction of negative ones. The quality of education that a child receives in the first years of life affects three key factors that determine their success in school. This is about the child’s cognitive potential, social skills development, and behavioral patterns.
Parenting skills can be acquired with experience or passed on from generation to generation. Therefore, it is important for parents to constantly make efforts to develop their parenting skills.
Why do parents parenting styles differ?
The approach to parenting that parents choose depends on external and internal factors. These include:
* characteristics of children;
* characteristics of parents;
* the broad social and cultural context in which the family lives.
Characteristics of children and parents
The sensitivity of parents in the process of education usually leads to the formation of positive emotions in children. Conversely, a lack of parental support leads to children becoming irritable or aggressive. In particular, parents’ inconsistency in their actions, their rigidity and irritability, lack of control, and insufficient interaction with the child lead to problems in their behavior.
However, it is also important to understand that parents react differently to the child’s behavior and temperament. Their parenting style is influenced by how they interpret their child’s behavior and what expectations they have about their child’s abilities. Also, much in education depends on the characteristics of the psyche of the parents themselves.
Parents who are able to understand the causes of the child’s suffering and are confident in their ability to raise them tend to show more care and support.
On the contrary, parents who believe that the child is manipulating them tend to use ineffective methods in difficult situations, either showing hostility or indulging the child. Similarly, parents who do not have clear beliefs or have a poor understanding of their child’s development tend to be less sensitive to their child’s signals.
Finally, the manner of education is strongly influenced by the peculiarities of the parents’ psyche. For example, parents who experience anxiety tend to patronize and overprotect their child. For the cognitive, social, and emotional development of young children, it is important to teach them to adapt to external changes. Therefore, excessive protection of the child may be an attempt by parents to protect him from feelings of anxiety.
Socio-cultural context
Methods of education also largely depend on the socio-cultural context. Although the generally accepted norm is a democratic parenting style that respects the balance of control and freedom of action of the child, it does not prevail in all cultures and social strata.
Moreover, it is not always optimal. For example, in socially disadvantaged regions, it is more useful to use an authoritarian style of parenting with a high level of control and a low level of freedom of the child. The authoritarian style thus reduces the risk of the dangerous behavior of the child.