
What You Really Need To Know About Water Purifiers

Given all the technology available in the world today, you’d think that pure, clean, and safe drinking would be readily available. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case at all, and it is conditions like overcrowding and industrial development that has let to the deficiency. Given the current situations mentioned above and more, now is the time to stress and understand the importance of purification techniques and the available water purifiers on the market. This will not only help you become a more informed consumer, but it’ll help you ensure that your drinking water is always pure and of the highest quality.

Ancient Purification Techniques

With a little bit of time and research, you’ll find that it was chlorine that most people opt for in the earlier days to clean their water. Adding chlorine to water was one of the earliest purification methods. This is because the hydrochloric acid in the compound reacts with microorganisms and kills them off. The only problem with this method is that it also poses health risks as well. Not only this, but chlorine simply isn’t that effective when it comes to killing certain types of protozoa. Needless to say, as time went on and technology increased, the industry started to flood with more viable and more efficient purification techniques and methods.

Active Carbon Filter

One of the most popular types of purifiers available today is the ones with the active carbon filters. And, that is because this type of filter can be used to purify nearly everything imaginable. It’ll purify everything from soluble gases like chlorine, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, and ammonia, as well as organic material like dead algae, leaves, and other dead things that can get washed into the water. A carbon filter is extremely porous by nature and provides it with the unique properties to absorb chlorine and other pollutants. A household water purifier with adjustable water temperature controls is even available with carbon filters, but these carbon filters also come with a special lining of activated silver that kills off bacteria.

Biosand Filter

While these filters aren’t as effective as the carbon filter or other purification methods available today, they are still a go-to option for many homeowners. These models usually come with a plastic box that is filled with layers of sand and gravel. While these compounds can remove pathogens from the water, they cannot remove most of the chemicals. Not only this, but bacteria and other microorganisms can potentially grow in the top 2 centimeters of sand, which is commonly referred to as the biolayer. This might seem like a bad thing, but it actually improves the overall purification because the microorganisms at the biolayer will eat away pathogens and other bacteria, thus increasing the quality of the water delivered from the device.

Reverse Osmosis Filters

Reverse osmosis filters have become extremely popular over the last several years and this is because they offer multiple stages of filtration. They do this by combining active carbon filters with particle filtration. The water has to pass through a membrane with small pores, where the impurities are collected and flushed out through an outlet pipe. The only problem with this method is that it completely removes the taste of the water and there is no telling if the water is 100% safe because there is always the potential for bacteria to get through the filter.

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