
Top Tourist Attractions in Lincoln, Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska, is a hidden gem that needs a lot more praise than it receives. From the gorgeous scenery to the small-city relaxing vibes, you can find something for anyone while you’re in town.  

Each of these attractions is perfect for someone of nearly any age group!  Although this city is multifaceted and full of surprises, it can almost instantly feel like home to anyone to visit.

Sheldon’s Museum of Art

This art museum and sculpture park focus on art from the 19th and 20th centuries, taking a peek at what brought us to where we are today. Every piece was hand-picked for the moment in time it represents and creates part of an incredible collection like none other. The exhibits rotate, which means you’ll feel like you’re stepping into a new museum during each visit. Get a t-shirt on your way out; you’ll want to show off that you visited the museum!

Lincoln Children’s Zoo

This children’s zoo may be aimed at kids, but it can be fun for someone of any age!  This ten-acre zoo is home to over 400 animals, including several endangered species, packs a lot into a small footprint.  With an emphasis on education and close encounters, it aims to show kids how many animals live, what keeps them happy in an environment, and why we would want to learn more about them. Like the Sumatran tiger, the rare species can instill a sense of duty to help protect what animals are left.

International Quilt Museum

If you’re traveling with anyone who enjoys sewing, from age eighteen to eighty: this is a must-stop spot. The International Quilt Museum has the largest known public collection of quilts in the world. Showing off pieces from all around the globe, there are beautiful quilts from India, Japan, and even America. Each piece is lovingly made and tells a story about the person who made it and the culture they’re from.

Walking through these exhibits, you’ll come to realize what an art form quilting is, and you’ll want to come back time and time again to see the multiple patterns and designs.

Museum of American Speed

If fast cars are more exciting to you than quilts or art, you’ll want to make a stop in the Museum of American Speed! This museum has everything from recent indy cars to vehicles built in the early 1900s to run the first races in the country. This private collection allows you to talk between these historic cars and see what we came from and how quickly the art of design has evolved.

Sunken Gardens

While you’re here if you need a breath of fresh air from looking at apartments in Lincoln, NE, Sunken Gardens is the place to go. These beautiful gardens offer an array of plant life and design unlike any other. Although most plants are Nebraska native, this garden brings them to another level through thoughtful design and beautiful care. You’ll be able to catch your breath while you’re here, and you won’t want to leave once you’ve arrived!

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