
The Million Roses: 6 Tips For Making Your Next Bouquet Of Roses More Special

Whether they’re being gifted for a wedding or Mothers’ Day, roses have long been a popular symbol to express love and show just how much someone else means to you. Of course, with roses being such a popular gift, there is also the risk that this gift could lose some of its special meaning.

Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case. I recently spoke with Doniz Pauillac, COO of The Million Roses, to discuss ways that you can make the next bouquet of roses you give more special for the recipient. This way, the gift of roses can send the special message you wish to convey.

1. Give Preserved Roses

One of the most common complaints about rose bouquets is their relatively short lifespan. Even with proper care, rose bouquets generally only last for two weeks at most, with most lasting just five to seven days in a vase.

“Preserved roses go well beyond what a traditional bouquet can offer,” Pauillac explains. “Our roses undergo a non-toxic preservation process that allows them to last for at least three years with no water needed. Whether a single rose or a box arrangement, this ensures that your gift won’t just last one week and then be thrown away. It helps make the gift feel more meaningful.”

2. Consider Ways Roses Can Be Part of the Decor

In regards to preserved roses in particular, Pauillac also notes that gift-givers can make their bouquet more meaningful by considering how (and where) it will fit in with the recipient’s household decor.

“With so many different styles and arrangements available, it can be helpful to think of where the recipient might want to display their roses,” he says. “This can help guide your selection in areas like the number and color of roses, or even the type of display arrangement that they come in. Tailoring the gift to the recipient’s space is a great way to show the level of thought that you put into the bouquet.”

3. Choose the Recipient’s Favorite Color

When most people think of roses, they think of the color red. In fact, red roses are found in 65% of all Valentine’s Day rose bouquets, followed by pink roses in 40% of bouquets. However, roses are available in a much wider range of colors than most people would expect.

“Our growing techniques allow us to produce roses in a wider variety of shades than ever, including blue, black, purple, green and yellow. We even sell roses with a distinct gold finish,” Pauillac says. “Choosing roses that match the recipient’s favorite color is a great way to show that you really care — and it will make the roses themselves an even more cherished decorative feature in their home.”

4. Use Add-on Gifts

When giving a bouquet of roses, you don’t need to limit your gift-giving to the flowers themselves. Add-on gifts that go along with the bouquet can help it feel more special and give an extra chance to show just how much the recipient means to you.

Common add-on gifts with flower bouquets include stuffed animals, food or drinks, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these “classic” add-on gift options. Consider the recipient’s interests and favorites so you can customize the add-on to their specific tastes. This is a great way to show that you truly know them as a person, and that you aren’t content to just select generic gifts.

5. Don’t Wait for a Special Occasion

When it comes to gifting bouquets of roses, most people think of Valentine’s Day or a major romantic milestone like a wedding or anniversary. But as Pauillac notes, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to make your loved ones feel special with a bouquet of roses.

“Quite often, receiving a bouquet of roses as a surprise feels more special and romantic than receiving a bouquet at a time when that type of gift would be expected,” he says. “Whether you’re giving flowers to convey love, gratitude or even sympathy, giving a bouquet at an unexpected time can be one of the best ways to show just how much you care and to help the recipient feel loved.”

6. Write a Heartfelt Note

Finally, as great as it is to find ways to make the bouquet itself more personalized and special, you should never overlook how your words can convey your feelings for the recipient. Writing a heartfelt note that expresses your love and just how much the recipient means to you is perhaps the best way to make them feel special.

No matter what kind of bouquet you select, the words you choose to express your feelings will be unique as you convey your love and gratitude to the recipient. Don’t turn this task over to ChatGPT. Write from the heart, and even the simplest bouquet will feel like the greatest gift.

Make Any Bouquet Special

By using one or more of these bouquet gifting ideas, you can ensure that the next time you give a bouquet of roses, you’ll send the right message and help the recipient feel special and loved. Going a step beyond the typical bouquet gift will help you leave a lasting impression.