
7 Best Practices For Maintaining Healthy Gums

7 Best Practices For Maintaining Healthy Gums

Healthy gums are vital in maintaining good oral hygiene and overall health. Neglecting gum health can result in various issues, such as bad breath, tooth loss, and even systemic health problems. However, adopting a few simple best practices can help keep your gums healthy and strong. By following these practices, you can prevent the onset … Read more

5 Fun Ways To Teach Proper Oral Hygiene Habits To Your Kids

5 Fun Ways To Teach Proper Oral Hygiene Habits To Your Kids

Children need to learn how to brush their teeth, but many don’t have the patience or motor skills to do it correctly. Northstar family dentists recommend that children and adults brush at least twice daily. They also recommend that their patients floss daily. If parents can make brushing fun, children will remember to brush and … Read more