
Why Is It Beneficial For Divorcing Families To Participate In Mediation When There Are Disputes Within the Family?

Why Is It Beneficial For Divorcing Families To Participate In Mediation When There Are Disputes Within the Family

The procedures of divorce and other types of legal separation are seldom straightforward, and going through them may be nerve-wracking for some people. However, it is always encouraged to try to settle disputes whenever feasible, without entering the courts, which may spark animosity or further worsen a situation that is already fraught with animosity. This is because … Read more

What Exactly Is Child Inclusive Mediation, And What Does It Not Involve?

What Exactly Is Child Inclusive Mediation, And What Does It Not Involve

The concept of kid inclusive mediation, which was originally known as direct child consultation, is not new to the field of family mediation; nonetheless, it has acquired considerable traction over the course of the last several years. At NFMS Birmingham, we have seen an uptick in the number of inquiries concerning children inclusive mediation (also known … Read more

What Are Some Of My Other Alternatives In The Event That the Mother Of My Child Refuses to Allow Me To Visit Them?

What Are Some Of My Other Alternatives In The Event That the Mother Of My Child Refuses to Allow Me To Visit Them

The legal process of getting a divorce and the aftermath of it can both be fraught with the potential for the parties involved to experience intense feelings at various points. Because it is a significant choice that has the potential to completely transform one’s life, it frequently involves intense feelings and emotions. Sadly, this can … Read more