
27 Wonderful Winter Wonderland Holiday Destinations

Snow makes everything even the grayest, saddest town look beautiful and whimsical, and when it covers a town that already has that old-time beauty to it, then it transforms it into something that came out of a fairy tale. Here are 27 such amazing destinations you must visit for your winter holiday. Aspen, Colorado Brisighella Innevata, Italy Cesky … Read more

11 Kids From Around The World With Their Typical Breakfast Meals

Milk and cereals, eggs and bacon or pancakes are the most common breakfast meals in the US we prepare for our kids. But how good or healthy breakfast do our kids have in comparison with the kids from around the world. Let’s see what a typical breakfast looks like for 11 kids around the world. Doga … Read more

32 Striking And Powerful Images Of Children’s Rooms Around The World

A child’s bedroom… The place where children begin to form their independence, their first refuge and sanctuary. You can learn a lot about a child by just seeing his or hers bedroom… If they even have one. The truth is that around the world there are children who struggle in extreme poverty or enjoy the benefits of abundant … Read more

32 Pictures Of Innocent Childhood Play Around The World

With the start of the  new school year, there will be a lot less time for children to play. But, how do today’s children play anyway? Unfortunately, mostly indoors on computers, IPods and other gadgets and rarely outside with other kids. Children seem to grow up a lot faster than before and the merry sounds of childhood … Read more