
Staying Safe in the Car and on the Bus

Many kids spend loads of time in a car or a school bus daily. This could be when they’re going to school, to visit a relative, on an excursion or a soccer practice.

There are more advantages that come with riding in buses or cars compared to biking and skateboarding, and these are more evident in the speed differences.

To avoid getting late to the soccer venue in the neighbouring town, ensure you’re on time at the bus stop to board a bus.

Inasmuch as riding in buses and cars has its own benefits, you need to take some precautionary measures to guarantee safety. The good thing is, the task is an easy one and as you read on, you’ll understand the rules of bus and car safety.

Seatbelt Basics

It is important to always wear your seat belt whenever you are in a moving car, regardless of how short the distance might be – even if it’s just a mere 0.1km. This is crucial because the seatbelt drags you back and prevents you from being thrown to the front or sideways in the vehicle if there’s an accident. Being in a slow-moving vehicle shouldn’t stop you from using a seatbelt, as you might likely sustain preventable injuries in emergency situations if you aren’t wearing one.

So the first thing to do when you get into a car is to buckle up your seatbelt. This entails locking both the shoulder and lap belts. Car seat belts come in various kinds. Some have a shoulder belt that runs across your body by itself when the car door closes, and a lap belt that would need to be put in place manually. Others have a lap and shoulder belt that are connected as a pair, which would need to be locked manually.

Cars that have stayed for a long time could have no shoulder belts but can have two different belts or only a lap belt.

If a seat belt is worn properly:

• The lower area of the belt ought to be positioned low and firmly through the upper part of your hips. It should not extend beyond the upper half of your belly.

• The shoulder area of the seatbelt should fit in properly from your shoulder down to the chest, and not crossing under the arm or across the neck.

Adults should always be on the lookout whenever they’re in a car with a kid to ensure that the kid’s seat belt is buckled properly.    

Riding in the car of an acquaintance is never an excuse not to buckle up your seat belt. Your co-rider’s decision not to belt up shouldn’t influence yours, as you’d be endangering yourself if you don’t.

Booster Seats

A booster seat is particularly useful for individuals who are not tall enough for the shoulder part of the seat belt to fit properly across the chest. You can check out these reviews to know more about booster seats for babies, infants, toddlers, and others.

It’s advised that kids use a booster seat until they are around 1.4 meters tall; or until they reach the age (usually between age 8 and 12 years) where it’s expected that their weight and height would be sufficient for their use of seat belts, without the support of booster seats.

Why Stay in the Back

For safety reasons, it’s important that kids within the age of 12 years and younger sit at the back. This is the safest place to keep them so that in case an accident occurs, there’ll be a slim chance of them coming in contact with something very injurious like the windshield. Also, they would be free from any injury that might occur as a result of the airbag inflating.

When you’re in the back seat with friends or relatives, it’s advised that everyone buckles their seat belt properly and not move back and forth as this might distract the attention of the driver.

What about Air Bags

Many people know about airbags from TV shows or car adverts. If a car with its airbag intact has an accident, the airbag burst out from the dashboard and the steering wheel. 

Although airbags have saved the lives of many adults during an accident, it’s not recommended for kids under the age of 12. This is because airbags are designed to protect the big bodies of adults. As a result, it hurts kids when it hits their small bodies.

Remember, airbags are no seatbelts, so you should always adjust your front seat in a way that there’ll be enough gap between the front seat and the airbag.

Plying a Bus

When boarding a bus, you need to be mindful on how you get on the bus and how you alight from it. Always wait for the driver to stop the bus and open the entrance door before you make your way into the bus. This is also applicable when you’re alighting from the bus.

Rules for Bus Safety

– Just as in a car, always make use of a seat belt while in a bus, if it has any. Do not play around while on the bus so the driver won’t get distracted, which might lead to you getting hurt.

– When you come down from the bus, walk at a distance that the driver would see you if you want to cross in front of the bus.

Now, you’ve seen the simple steps to take for you to be a safe passenger. Follow these guidelines and you’ll definitely enjoy every ride in a car or bus.           

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