Learning sign language can be a bit difficult, especially for a young child. Thankfully there are artists that understand the struggles of those with hearing and speech impairment and are willing to help in their small, creative way, like this adorable illustrations added to the sign language alphabet.
A Is For Apple
B Is For Bear
C Is For Cat
D Is For Dog
E Is For Elephant And Eagle
F Is For Fox And Fish
G Is For Gorilla
H Is For Hippo
I Is For Iguana
J Is For Jaguar
K Is For Koala
L Is For Lion
M Is For Monkey
N is For Narwhal
O Is For Octopus
P Is For Penguin And Pig
Q Is For Quail
R Is For Rabbit
S Is For Skunk
T Is For Turrtle And Toucan
U Is For Unicorn And Umbrella
V Is For Vampire Bat
W Is For Walrus
X Is For X-Ray
Y Is For Yak
Z Is For Zebra
The easiest way children learns, especially a new language is trough play and visual aids, and the best way to expand their knowledge is to bombard them with similarities. Little things they can compare and build on, that’s how learning will always be easy and fun.
These techniques can be applied to learning the American sign language as well. If you or your child for whatever reason need to learn the sign language, these amazing illustrations will help you get trough the alphabet in no time at all. This fabulous creation belongs to artist Alex Solis, who gave the sign language alphabet the perfect makeover to make it easier for children to master and even adults too.
The whole sign language alphabet is available in a adorable book called Signs And Doodles which you can find at the artits’s site. It will be a perfect present for anyone that needs it.
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