Specialists in the area of pedagogics have conducted many studies to determine whether parents can influence their kids’ academic results and revealed strong correlation. It was proved that home relationships can create a positive climate for educational success. Even the simple question “How did your school day pass?” matters.
Parents are the first teachers instilling good habits and correct moral values in their kids, shaping up character in preschool years. That is why adults should strive to preserve a balance between academic and domestic education, lend a helping hand when a child needs support, inspire and motivate one.
Experts from Amblesideprimary writing service recommend several ways how you can take an active part in your child’s school life and encourage one’s progress.
Become a role model
Many parents complain that kids do not listen to their advice. This is not surprising. Young people learn from examples. There is no point to say that smoking is bad if parents smoke. Therefore, if moms and dads want their kid to behave in a certain way, they should do the same.
Some people wish their children to be better than they are, achieve more than they did. For example, if a person lives in poverty, one may say to a son or a daughter that financial success is the most important thing in life. A child will have cognitive dissonance because things one sees and hears do not coincide. Parents try to embody their dreams and goals through a child because they were not talented enough or way too lazy to do something self-handedly.
If you want your kid to be an excellent student, do not scold and oppress one. Show that learning is fun and useful, that you like it. Invite a student to participate in an exciting academic journey. Behave in a friendly way, position education as an entertainment and not a heavy burden which a kid should carry to avoid punishment.
Do homework together
The first steps at school may be rather challenging. Kids often get upset while facing complex topics. Perform assignments with your child to show that even the trickiest test may be passed if showing perseverance and patience. Read textbooks aloud just like you were reading fairytales when a kid was small. Over time, one will become more confident and able to study self-handedly.
Track child’s activity
Oversee what a learner does after coming home from school and give recommendations to correct bad habits. Does one play computer games until late at night and receive poor marks next day? Offer one to do homework first and have fun next, teach a child to schedule one’s activities, be disciplined, organized and always find time for learning.
However, do not overdo it with control. Kids do not like when adults track every move and deprive them of freedom to do things in their own way. Distinguish between situations when your intervention is necessary and when it is better to stand aside. Do not force a child to spend all one’s free time doing homework. Remember that one studies half a day at school and needs some rest. Time management, balancing rest and work will help a student to have full, happy life and perfect marks.
Maintain cozy atmosphere
It is important to create a comfortable, safe environment in which a child can relax and study productively. Home should be associated with pleasant emotions and parental love. It is recommended for parents to avoid discussing family problems in child’s presence. Emotional pressure can have a bad impact on young persons’ psyche and educational results.
It is best of all if a student has one’s own room suitable for studying in calmness and silence. It is hard to concentrate if somebody is watching TV or talking on the phone nearby.
Criticize constructively
Of course, all learners make mistakes and it is impossible to always compliment them. But criticism may be both mild and harsh. Choose a format that will not offend child’s feelings and lower one’s self-esteem. Do not give over to emotion and blame one, try to be patient. Say politely that a kid makes something wrong and explain how a situation may be corrected.
Reward a child
Fear of punishment is a bad motivator. It is much better to reward a kid for accomplishments. Then one will have every reason to work harder and achieve better results. Promise that you will buy a toy, some gadget or clothes, go to an amusement park or have an exciting trip abroad (depending on your financial state) if a student will get excellent marks during some period of time. It is important to correlate gifts’ and achievements’ value. A kid may become capricious if over showering one with expensive presents.