
Rules To Remember When Wearing A Nursing Bra

When you welcome your little munchkin for the first time, it can be challenging to nurse the baby, especially when you don’t know how to handle the bra. Similarly, making your way through the nursing bra section can be extremely challenging. If you are anything like us, you will turn to Google to figure out how to choose the right nursing bra. In fact, even if you are able to purchase a nursing bra, it can be overwhelming to wear the nursing bras. 

It doesn’t matter if you are preparing for the baby’s arrival or have already welcomed the little one; you must be aware of how important a nursing bra is. With this article, we are sharing everything you must remember when wearing a nursing bra. Fortunately, nursing bras are easy to handle and user-friendly, even if you are wearing a lace nursing bralette or lace maternity bralette. That’s because the nursing bras are curated to provide convenient and easy access for nursing the baby.

So, are you ready to find out more?

The Right Way Of Using A Nursing Bra 

Purchasing a lace plunge bralette is one thing; wearing and using it is another. To begin with, you have to start by removing the pads from the packaging, and if you are using adhesive sheets, you will need to remove the adhesive part. Now, there are other steps to follow, such as;

  • First of all, you have to place the pads. Whichever side you are putting the pad on, you have to ease the bra strap and place it on the nipple with the help of a pad. It is suggested that you cover the entire nipple area. Once the pad is positioned, you have to pull up the bra strap but don’t forget to apply the baby-safe lanolin cream to make sure the entire experience is comfortable, and your nipples don’t get sore 
  • Before you put on the top, you must ensure that the pads are properly positioned over the nipple. During the first few weeks of childbirth, you will need to purchase tougher pads because the milk leaks during this time. similarly, the milk leaks will start showing through the clothes, and with time, the leakage will slow down, and you will be able to shift to softer pads
  • When you are wearing pads during the day, there are high chances that the pads will slip around the bra. So, if the pads start feeling out of place, you have to take out time for going to the bathroom and realign them. If you don’t pay attention to alignment, the bra and its top will start leaking 

Importance Of Breast Pads For Breastfeeding Mothers

When it comes down to wearing a nursing bra, you must wear the breast pads simply because the body is intended on enhancing the process of developing sufficient milk supply to meet the baby’s hunger and nutritional needs. To illustrate, the breasts will produce milk without any notice once you’ve created a solid feeding routine. Even after the controlled milk development and production from the body, there will be evident chances of leaks. 

This is because the drop-downs are caused by different reasons, such as emotional circumstances. For instance, if a mother hears a baby cry, milk will start spraying out of her breasts. This is the prime reason that breast pads are important because they play an essential role in absorbing the leaking water, which helps eliminate uncomfortable wet rings around your breast and nipple. In simpler words, they are perfect for preventing your clothes from getting dirty. All in all, the breast pads are hygienic and stable when used properly. 

Know The Right Time To Change Breast Pads 

Sure, you have to use the breast pads, but you need to remember the right time to change the breast pads. This is because it’s essential to keep yourself safe and dry. Honestly, there is no strict rule to change the breast pads because you’ve to change the breast pads whenever they are wet. Also, you must not leave the wet breast pad on for too long, irrespective of how small the leak was. In the majority of cases, you will need to change breast pads multiple times a day during the first few weeks of delivery. 

The Right Things To Wear With The Nursing Bra 

Now that you know the right way of wearing the nursing bra and changing the nursing bras, you must be wondering what to pair with the nursing bra. So, in the section below, we are sharing the right options;

  • Nursing Tank – the nursing tanks are designed with the snap closure of conventional nursing bras, which means you’ve to undo both bra snaps for feeding the little one. The majority of nursing tanks are designed with in-built pads
  • Nursing Pads – the nursing pads are another important addition to the nursing bra attire. This is because in the first weeks of milk regulation, there will be milk leaks. So, choose nursing bras to absorb the leaks – you can use disposable or reusable ones, depending on your personal preferences 
  • Tops – if you want to ensure discrete feeding and nursing, it is better to opt for nursing tops or loose-fitting tops. You will actually be able to purchase some nice loose tops from maternity clothing shops 

Truth be told, there aren’t must-haves, and you have the liberty of optimizing your look according to your comfort level. All in all, the things mentioned above will just make your life easier. This is important because nursing the baby is a great bonding experience, and being comfortable will only enhance the experience. 

The Bottom Line 

On a concluding note, nursing bras are a great way of enhancing your breastfeeding experience and making it rather comfortable (new moms would know how uncomfortable it can get). For this reason, you should purchase a comfortable nursing bra, some reusable nursing pads, and bras with softer cups to ease your experience. So, are you ready to keep milk leakage at bay?

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