
Real Love Differences: A Man Who Loves You vs. A Man Who Means Trouble

The real love is tough to find because a real man who loves you is hidden somewhere you aren’t looking.

Sometimes he is in front of your eyes, but you think of him as a friend.

Teenagers these days call this a “friendzone.”

The worst thing happens when you finally find this person, but after a while, he takes down the mask and transforms into someone else.

But there is always this voice in the back of our head that tell us how to react in a particular situation.

Maybe it’s fear, maybe it’s the right and the devil, but it changes our mind every time we want to act somehow.

These differences between a man who enjoys in real love and a man who means trouble for you will help you go through your thoughts and settle down for what is right for you.

Stop wasting your time on something that doesn’t deserve you.

Real love
The Two Angles

Are you ready to find out?

Let’s go:

Respectful vs. Tolerant

A man who is in love with you will admire and respect your opinions. On the other hand, there is the man who will agree with you just to let you do what you want without believing that your opinion is equal to theirs.

Encouraging vs. Controlling

A man who loves a woman will want to you to be the best version of yourself. He will encourage you to find the perfect solution and try new opportunities and experiences.

He will proudly introduce you to new things, but never force you to something that could make you uncomfortable.

The controlling man will want to take the lead on everything you do or imagined to be. Sometimes he will stop you to pursue your dreams because he is scared and uncomfortable for doing something he doesn’t want for you.

Honest vs. Cruel

Your real love will tell everything you want to hear. The truth might be hurtful in certain situations, but his words won’t.

But, a man who tells you to lose weight in an abusive way, mocks your style in front of the others and doesn’t show respect is poisoning the relationship and your life.

Affectionate vs. Clingy

real love
Thought Catalog

This is a tricky one.

If you are moving into a different part of the relationship where your man is texting, calling, and wants to be with you, 24/7 could mean something else. Some women think this is how real love needs to be, but on the other hand, he might be checking on you to reassure his place in his life.

Some women believe that this is the real love they’ve been looking for, but on the other hand, he might be checking on you to reassure his place in his life.

That’s more harmful to himself than for you.

A man who loves you will let that show emotionally and physically. But, the clingy person will be only emotionally present and wants to talk to you so he can feel validated.

Protective vs. Possessive

It’s okay for your man to be protective over you. If he keeps you close and his arm is around your back at the club, that’s okay.

However, if he refuses to let you go out with your friends or starts fights with men who are trying to talk with you, he is a possessive type of guy.

Serious vs. Interested

A guy who loves you will talk when the time is right and convenient for him. That’s okay for a new relationship. It’s expected for him to take the time and leave you breathing especially when you both met a month ago.

However, if the relationship is official for a while and he talks when it’s good for him, there is a chance he is not in real love even if he says he is.

The real love man will make serious efforts and commitments to the relationship.

Do you agree with this? I want to hear your opinion on this. Hit the comments section below.

Don’t forget to share this with all of your friends.

Source: Positive Med

1 thought on “Real Love Differences: A Man Who Loves You vs. A Man Who Means Trouble”

  1. good stuff, i know a man going on 3 years. He’s not the one for me. We don’t get along and he doesn’t communicate good with me. He communicate well with other men or other women who shows him attention.

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