If you’re at university – particularly if you’re studying in a different city or overseas – there’s a good chance you’ll be looking into getting a part-time job to net you some extra spending cash. Although having this money is always great, spending the time working (especially during periods where you have a lot of study on) can very quickly eat into your study time. Then, if you’re studying too much, you might not get enough money to pay bills, or may lose your job altogether! The secret is balance, so in this article, we take a look at what you should be looking into when balancing your work and study time.
Planning is everything
To ensure you can always stay on top of any costs related to your student accommodation in Sydney, it’s very important to develop a plan to help you work out your relevant costs in relation to your study. Simply put, you should be working out when you need to be studying (as this should be your priority as a student) and then work out how much time you can dedicate to working. During periods where you might have to study more than usual, you might be able to compensate by working more before and after this period. Although this plan might give you the impression that you can spend large chunks of time either working or studying, you should also set aside a good amount of time that you can dedicate to simply relaxing. Without this time, it is very likely that your mental health will take a hit, which will end up causing harm to both your study and work schedules! Taking some time to yourself doesn’t have to be overcomplicated, either – all you have to do is spend a little time reading, going for a walk or going out to the cinema every now and then.
Establishing positive rapports
To ensure you’re provided with the flexibility you need while studying, establishing healthy work relationships – with your manager, in particular – will ensure you’re given more leeway than you otherwise would be provided. This way, you can let them know about any study commitments coming up and they won’t hassle you about them! It also makes sure you’ll be less stressed out about asking for this time off, which can also negatively impact mental health. This is also useful if you need to have a discussion related to cutting down your hours entirely, as there’s always a chance that you’ll become overwhelmed after studying and working too hard for too long. It doesn’t have to be for long, either – reducing your hours for a month or two might be all you need to get refreshed enough to resume working your normal hours again.
Make the most of your time when you have it
Although you might have devised a plan that ensures you make the most of your time, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it will happen this way – procrastination can very quickly cause the time you have to become moot, which is why it’s so important to limit any distractions that you might have to make the most of your education time. Because if you draw out your study time, that leaves less room for fun time!