
Points to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Crypto Wallet & Exchange

So, you’re ready to invest, mine, or exchange cryptocurrencies, or even just be gifted it. You’re going to need a cryptocurrency wallet, often just called a crypto wallet, in order to keep the currency safe so you can use it later to convert to actual money. There are many types of wallets out there, and with that though, there are many fake wallets that you can easily fall for. In this guide, we’re going to give you some of the most popular wallets out there, and provide you with one of the newest and best wallets about to emerge on the cryptocurrency scene. Knowing about crypto wallets is as important as nailing what cryptocurrencies are. The way you can tell Bitcoin Cash is different from Bitcoin will come in handy to determine which wallets suit you best and why.

  1. Rubix Wallet
    The Rubix wallet is a custom currency wallet that is universal and will hold more than any of the common cryptocurrencies and altcoins as well in the very near future. Expect it to hit the web with a very impactful ability to trade and sell on social media platforms like Facebook, as well as just be able to trade in general. Not only that, but it’s going to be one of the most secure and private wallets out there, basically offering the security of an offline wallet with the benefit of being an online wallet. They’re capitalizing on the fact that they’ll have the fastest transactions over any wallet around.
  2. The Naga Wallet
    Like the ancient beast of the sea itself that can literally be universal and adapt to anything, the Naga wallet does as well. It’s one of the highest used wallets out there to date, and it supports more than 1200 different altcoins as well as major tokens. It’s an online wallet that provides pretty quick transactions, but they’re of course not completely perfect. They’re also partnered with Changelly, which is an external web exchange (they don’t have their own).
  3. Ledger Nano S
    This is one of the most common offline wallets that you may see people use when it comes to storing their crypto keys on. Basically it’s a USB drive that can handle multiple versions of currency and store them into their own integrated software, and everything is displayed on a quaint little LCD screen. You can use the Ledger companion app in order to manage transactions and the Nano offers backup solutions as well so you can easily back up your coins and restore them later should anything bad happen.
  4. Exodus Wallet
    Exodus wallet supports more than a hundred different cryptocurrencies (the main ones included) and it’s a software wallet that you can use on your own computer with their innovative and easy to use interface. Unfortunately, though, it’s not necessarily as secure as a Nano wallet or Rubix because if your computer is compromised in any way, then you may still be at risk.
  5. Jaxx Wallet
    Jaxx is an online exchange that lets you use your mobile device even with an app to access their market exchange so you can buy and trade cryptocurrencies. Currently, they support a little over 80 cryptocurrencies (they’re pretty standard on the main cryptocurrencies on their exchange and don’t offer as much flexibility).


The main things you want to keep in mind when choosing a crypto wallet is security (first and foremost), how many cryptocurrencies they’ll accept, and what is right for you (what cryptocurrency you’ll be wanting to invest, trade, or store). Make sure that you get the crypto wallet that’s right for what you need it for. Also beware of wallet caps (some wallets have maximum amounts of coins they’ll hold as well before you are forced to sell or exchange them).
Most importantly, check to make sure that any wallet you sign up for online or even download is going to be legit before you ever do it. There are a lot of fakes out there that just phish your information, and install viruses to steal your information and take your cryptocurrency.

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