
No Man Should Be an Island: 5 Signs of Loneliness in Seniors

Chronic loneliness has negative effects on a person’s emotional, mental, and physical health. Click here to learn the signs of loneliness in seniors.

Social isolation and loneliness put seniors at higher risk of health-related diseases like heart disease, obesity,  Alzheimer’s disease, and even death.

Read on to learn the top 5 signs of loneliness so you can intervene to help improve the health of your aging loved one.

5 Signs of Loneliness

Below are some of the biggest signs of loneliness in the aging population. The good news is there are ways to support your loved one once the issue associated with their loneliness is identified. Learn more here on support for seniors. 

1. Sleep Issues

Sleep issues such as restless sleep, increases in napping, and struggles staying asleep can all be a sign of loneliness.

2. Changes in Buying Habits

Lonely seniors may choose to focus on purchasing things if they are bored, lonely, or just looking for something to do. You may also notice that common purchases are not getting made. 

3. Changes in Eating Patterns

Everyone has experienced significant stress at some point in their life that has either increased or decreased their appetite significantly. Loneliness can have the same impact.

As we age we do tend to eat less, but sudden changes in appetite could be the sign of something else. This is particularly dangerous because seniors also have a harder time absorbing the nutrients they need from the food they eat.

4. Mobility Issues

As we age, it gets harder to do the things we love. If a senior experiences illness or injury that hampers their ability to move, it can lead to more social isolation. Sometimes lack of mobility is due to loss of driving ability.

Regardless of the cause, there are ways to improve both physical mobility as well as access to rides or other types of transportation to help maintain independence and access to things outside of the home. 

5.  Friends that Are Lonely

Happiness and Loneliness are both contagious. If you know a senior that has begun talking about loneliness in their friends is at risk of joining them in their loneliness. 

Life changes as we age, and we often check in on our children or peers, but we also have to remember to check in with the seniors in our lives. Social isolation and loneliness do not have to have a negative impact on their health, as long as you intervene when you notice the signs.

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You can improve your health and the health of your elderly parents by knowing the signs of loneliness. You can also learn to make your divorce easier and parenting your children less stressful.

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