Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, millions of people have taken to wearing face masks to help slow the disease’s spread. In fact, some countries around the world have made it clear that any individual who steps outside without a cover protecting their nose and mouth would have the law to contend with.
While it is an easy enough concept for adults to understand, children need a little more time to get used to or even fully grasp the idea.
For kids, especially babies, toddlers, and young kids, the sight of people wearing masks isn’t only strange but also scary. It becomes even worse when it dawns on them that they also have to put those masks on too.
However, the routine can become more comfortable if their parents or guardians can incorporate the tips listed below.
Most kids will become less cautious and scared of masks when the adults in their lives explain why people have taken up the habit of using masks in public places.
To achieve that, you need to use simple words to relate with the child(ren) as it will make it easier for them to understand your point.
Another tip that can help younger children when it comes to using a mask is for you to help become accustomed to using it.
What this means is that, while at home you can dedicate time to practice wearing their masks before they might need to use one outside the house.
Kids love colors and playful designs, so when you want to purchase a mask for them, you should be on the lookout for fun face coverings.
If you cannot find face masks with fun colors and designs, you can buy plain ones and then encourage the kids to decorate them.
By partaking in the decoration process, the kids might feel a sense of control and normality.
If you can make the masks at home, you can involve the older children to join you in the process.
While there are no easy ways to make these face masks, it does make it better to have your children helping you out.
The plus-side for the kids is that they get to choose the preferred fabric or patterns for the masks that they want.
Getting used to using face masks can become less stressful for kids if they are incorporated with playtime. For example, the covers can be introduced as part of a medical kit and then used during a doctor/nurse routine.
In addition to the tips above, adults should also be willing to answer any questions that kids may have about face masks.
You should realize that no question is too small or big for the kids to ask. You should also be patient when listening to and giving them a response.
Finally, your support as a parent or guardian is essential to the outcome of the child’s ultimate reaction to using a face mask.
So, choose your words and reactions to their actions wisely.
Good luck!