Losing weight will be accompanied by overwork and constant fatigue. Changes in diet and exercise can dramatically change your lifestyle. The goal is to lose weight and gain muscle, but sometimes, on the contrary, you can reduce muscle mass instead of fat, which is not the best scenario.
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Don’t harm your body
“The process of losing muscle instead of fat is very harmful to the body because muscles are the main tool for our body to move and function normally,” said Gerardo Miranda-Comas, assistant professor at the Icahn School of Medicine Rehabilitation Center. “A decrease in muscle mass negatively affects energy and endurance, which reduces the functioning of the body.
If done correctly, your body should not lose muscle mass during the initial weight loss. “In general, muscle mass does not decrease until fat is burned; it mainly depends on diet and physical activity,” says Miranda
People who try to lose weight by forbidding food may lose muscle mass before they burn fat.”
How did it come about?
The body primarily uses carbohydrates (glucose) for energy. “If it is not found in sufficient quantities, the body uses glycogen, which is stored in our liver and muscles,” said Miranda Comas. Fat in the body is also used for energy production, which depends on the degree of physical activity; anyone can teach the body to use the fat it contains for energy. (Basic principles of the keto diet)
“A healthy diet is about 45-65% carbohydrates, 15-35% protein, and 20-35% fat,” said Wells Delbridge of the Academy of Nutrition. “Our goal is to eat a balanced diet that does not prohibit any foods.”
It certainly depends on what kind of diet you are on. Some may be restricting carbohydrates (the keto diet), while others may be high in protein (like the Atkins diet) or fat. If you take the limitation to an extreme, your body will definitely react to it. But how do we know that we are losing muscle mass, not fat? See five signs
1. You feel tension during your workout
Workouts are challenging for you, and you feel like you’ll miss them altogether.”You feel less energetic in the gym, the weight you used for the reps may decrease, you will have no energy to use the reps like you used to,” says Spencer Nadolski, author of The Recipe.
2. You feel relaxed when you go about your daily activities
You won’t notice muscle contractions in the gym. “Improper nutrition can reduce muscle mass, which can lead to dysfunction of the body, which manifests itself in a lack of energy and overload,” said Miranda Comas.
3. The percentage of fat in your body does not fluctuate
If you are losing weight but your body fat remains the same, you are losing weight by losing muscle mass.
“Your body will not get the shape you want.” Your circumference will begin to shrink, but the mass of skeletal fat will not change, “said Dr. Nadolski
4. You lose weight quickly
“The revised numbers on the scales will worry you, but this is terrible news for your muscle mass unless you have too much fat to lose first. The more fat you have, the more weight you will lose compared to muscle. Losing weight will be accompanied by overwork and constant fatigue, this is a marathon, not a sprint. “People only need to lose 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week,” Delbridge said.
5. Your exercise is not progressing
When you are tired, it is difficult to force yourself to carry on. If you find it challenging to do strength training, this could be another sign of muscle loss. Albert Matin, founder of the Soho Strength Lab, says many factors make sense, but the lack of progress during exercise will convince you that you cannot meet your body’s needs.
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