Being a mom to four wonderful children has been an absolute blessing. While I had no problem conceiving my eldest daughter Priscilla when I was a strappy 27-year-old, conceiving my set of twins at 34 and my youngest son Mark, at the age of 36 has been pretty hard.
After failing to conceive for 2 years, I spent hundreds of dollars on fertility treatments, and IUI sessions and was very close to considering IVF after having my twins.

I read about women who underwent 10-20 rounds of IUI, got injected every other month, and felt that I was ready to go through a world of pain just to hold my baby. Every other month we visited a fertility clinic, worked with multiple fertility coaches, and tried crazy diets and age-old techniques and nothing seemed to work.
After a round of fertility injections, I managed to conceive but the joy was short lived as I had a missed miscarriage after 7 weeks of pregnancy.
Things went downhill after that and I lost track of my menstrual cycle as it naturally gets disrupted after a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure. I was asked to try to conceive as soon as I got my next menstrual cycle with IUI but unfortunately, both sessions of IUI failed back to back.
My fertility coach suggested the possibility that I rushed into getting an IUI without getting my ovulation dates right. This could be the case because my menstrual cycle had gone for a toss after the miscarriage and I was relying on my pre-pregnancy cycle trends for the IUI.
Soon after, I ordered two of the most highly-rated fertility monitors from Amazon and started tracking my hormones as instructed by my fertility coach. Here is how it went.
Why I chose Inito

After using both monitors religiously for one cycle, I grew tired of using the oval egg-shaped monitor because it requires you to test twice a day with two strips for separate hormones. Some of the strips failed to work and took too long to show results.
When I asked their customer care to replace my strips they were quite unresponsive. Moreover, two strips a day looked unfeasible in the long run so I stopped using it and continued testing with the Inito fertility monitor.
While both of them showed similar results more or less, I found it easier to trust Inito because it considered my baseline hormone levels when I used it for two cycles and it took conditions like past pregnancies and miscarriages into consideration for predicting my test dates.

Inito was also far easier to use as it had only one strip for reading all four fertility hormones and takes less time to deliver results.
While I was tempted to buy a bunch of ovulation kits and save precious money on monitoring my ovulation trends, Inito stopped me from giving in to this temptation. After going through their Facebook community page, I found out that Inito measures Beta LH which is more likely to give accurate results as compared to ovulation tests and other fertility monitors as they test Alpha LH which usually cross-reacts.
IUI is all about patience and accurate predictions
Right after my miscarriage, I was in a bad place and wished for nothing else than to hold my baby. This led me on a goose chase for the quickest and most effective way to conceive again and after trying unsuccessfully for two years, I didn’t have the patience to wait it out again and hope to conceive naturally. After two months of rushed IUI sessions, I fell into a deeper void.
Before my first pregnancy, I used to experience abdominal pain during ovulation which slowly disappeared over the years and I stuck to the 14-16 day cycle rule to predict my ovulation. Unfortunately, this has been of little help over the past two years. I shared how I had to get repeated blood tests to find my ovulation dates but I failed to carry out this exercise during IUI because honestly, I was so tired from all the painful pricks and visits to the lab.
That’s when my fertility coach advised me to opt for urine tests with fertility trackers which was honestly, far easier and feasible for me.
I tracked my menstrual cycle with Inito for four months after 2 failed IUIs and while it felt like four years, it was indeed the best decision. Here you can see my ovulation charts spaced out between my cycles and how my hormone trends looked when I started testing (3 months after a miscarriage) and how my ovulation dates fluctuated in the first two cycles.
If you see closely, I supposedly ovulated twice in my cycle during the first month.

And during my second month, my ovulation shifted to a single surge of LH in my cycle. I felt assured that my cycle was stabilizing once again.

Conceiving successfully after a long battle
When I shared my Inito hormone charts with my doctor, we were able to conclude that my past two sessions of IUIs could have been timed better. I felt bad about refusing to opt for blood tests to confirm my ovulation dates back then but boy am I glad that I never have to do that again!

Inito not only helped me go through a successful round of IUI but also saved me from so much pain and blood. My third round of IUI was planned as per Inito’s ovulation predictions and I was so happy to confirm my pregnancy a month later. Today when I look back at the long battle that we fought for my three children, I am filled with gratitude. The most difficult part was staying patient for months as I tracked my hormones but Inito made life a lot easier.
Their Facebook community was a constant source of inspiration and support for a pessimist like me. I met hundreds of mothers like me who were praying fervently for their rainbow babies and kept motivating each other to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The hormone charts, test reminders, and test insights were a huge help as each piece of information reassured me that I was in the right direction. Watching my hormone charts stabilize over time was also a huge sigh of relief.
Is Inito worth the hype and money?

Long answer short, yes!
I have spent a lot of my hard-earned money on fertility treatments and medications and I regret most of it since I started testing with Inito. If you ask me to choose a fertility device that tells you exactly when you will ovulate and back it up with data or get pricked over and over again, the answer is quite simple.
Apart from factors like ease of use, hormone values, and accuracy, it feels nice and reassuring to take control of your hormonal health. Whether you are trying to conceive or not, this device can be quite useful to track your overall well-being as you near menopause. Personally, I will rate it 9 out of 10 and will definitely recommend it if you want to track progress while taking fertility medications or planning your next pregnancy.
Author bio: Meghan Clark
Mother to four beautiful children. A set of twins -Dorothy and Esther aged 4, an elder daughter, Priscialla (11) and my youngest son, Mark (2). I worked as a lawyer for 8 years before I had my wonderful twins. After switching careers for a few years, I chose to be a stay-at-home-mom for my children. I am lucky enough to have a supportive husband who supports me in my decision and has helped me establish my career since I had Mark. Watching my beautiful children grow up has been a blessing, especially after overcoming multiple fertility challenges since my past two pregnancies. After taking all kinds of fertility medications, IUI sessions and trying every fertility device in the market, I have a goldmine of reproductive knowledge that I wish to share with women who are struggling with fertility issues.