
How Does Amber Help With Teething?

If you have spent some time around toddlers or babies in recent times, you will realize several of them wearing amber necklaces. The necklaces are not for accessorizing but used to help the babies with teething pain. The amber necklace is not meant to be chewed or used as a play toy, but to be worn.

No doubt, a child wearing an amber necklace would raise eyebrows as one may wonder whether it is safe. Also, not many are aware of the use of amber necklace since that is a recent discovery though still a controversial topic. Though the many are using amber on their children with teething problems, the FDA does not condone that. Let’s dig more and learn about amber necklace on babies.

Why is Amber Necklace Used?

From as early as 3-months teething starts and can be very uncomfortable for a baby. At this stage, the gums are tender and inflamed the baby experiences irritability plus fever. Excess drooling, scratching the ears, sleep disturbances, continuous crying and more can be hard on both baby and parents. Such scenarios are the ones that cause parents to get desperate as they search for a teething remedy. Products like amber necklaces come along around this time.

Amber necklace is made from fossilized tree resin which contains succinic acid. The acid is released when the necklace is warmed. Advocates of the amber teething necklaces say that when it is worn, the body warmth heats the amber necklace prompting it to release succinic acid, which is absorbed into the baby skin.

Additionally, the acid is said to be a natural analgesic and a pain reliever which also boosts the toddler immune system and clears inflammation. No study has been carried to prove this information, and therefore, this is only anecdotal.

Is Amber Necklace Safe For Your Baby?

Human bodies have succinic acid naturally, and the chemicals in amber beads may not harm your baby. If the succinic acid is used in small doses, it cannot affect your baby. Succinic acid can also be found in certain foods and drink. In other countries, succinic acid is used as food additives, but if used in large doses, it can cause skin and breathing problem. Also, it can damage your eyes if the excess dosage is used.

Parents are advised to be careful when using the amber necklace on their babies as some may injure them if they snag on something, or even worse strangle them. The teething jewellery is designed to break easily to lessen the chance of strangulation. Successful tests that have been made do not break-in time.

Another risky thing for the baby is choking on the beads; it doesn’t matter the jewellery has broken or not; trying to swallow can be fatal. Other amber necklaces are designed with knots in between the beads and in case it breaks, only one bead will be loose. Still, that is not safe for your baby as one bead is enough to choke the baby.

The Australian Dental Association and Red Nose recommend that parents should avoid amber jewelry altogether on babies. Also, in children centers, amber jewelry is not allowed because of the safety risks that it poses on babies.

Many parents still feel the amber necklace helps with the teething problem when their babies are going through painful experience. But here are a few tips that you can use to lower risks to your baby.

  • Never allow your baby to the mouth or chew the jewelry
  • When the baby is asleep make sure you remove the necklace
  • When your baby is wearing amber jewelry, never leave them alone even for a few minutes

What is Alternative for Teething?

There are other approaches you can use to overcome your baby distress during the teething stage. You can try a couple of tips below as they seem safer for the baby than the amber necklace.

  • You can rub the baby gums using a clean finger over those sore gums
  • If the baby has started on solid food, try giving him or her sticky chilled soft vegetables such as cucumber or banana. As you do that, keep an eye while they are chewing to avoid choking
  • For babies, over six months, you can give them plain yoghurt, cold apple puree, sippy cup or water in a bottle.
  • Give your baby rubber and plastic toys as they are great for soothing aching gums

Use cold things to help with numbing and easing ache plus inflammation. You can use damp washcloths that have been twisted and frozen. It is not advisable to give your baby teething rings that are frozen solid; they are too hard for baby’s mouths.

In some cases, your baby may seem to be in a lot of pain and if you are sure teething is the cause, give them a correct dose of infant paracetamol or ibuprofen. Children under the age of 16 should never be given any medicine with aspirin in it. Such can trigger Reyes syndrome, which is a rare condition through potentially fatal. Seek more advice from a pediatrician about the best dose to give your baby although in most cases Tylenol is advised only the right dosage you may ask for guidance.

Never use numbing creams or gels that may contain benzocaine as they are not recommended for infants.

Best Time to Use Teething Necklace

Babies who have attained four months old can start wearing an amber necklace. Around that age, it is recommended for the baby to get accustomed early to wearing of the necklace without biting or tugging at it. The baby can wear the necklace up to 3 years old when teething problems cease. Some kids fall in love with the necklace and continue wearing them even after 3-years.

Other Benefits of Amber Necklace

Many sellers point out that the necklace is also believed to control the pain of arthritis, rheumatism, and aching of joints and muscles. Although these claims have not been scientifically proven, the amber necklace is further said to relieve weariness and fatigue.


There is no clear study to reveal in-depth about the amber necklace, but many parents claim it helps soothe the discomforts of teething pain. The positive effect of amber jewellery is a win for both the baby and the parents. If you choose to use the necklace, make sure you supervise your child every time he or she wears it.

Read more about Baltic Amber Necklace:

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