
19 Healthiest Foods You Need to Give to Your Dog & What to Avoid

I’m sure many people don’t know how to feed their dog.

A simple walk in the park will leave you speechless. People give everything to their dogs.

Once, I saw a person giving some sort of candy to his dog. Usually, I don’t do this, but I approached him.

I explained how dangerous that is and it could lead to liver failure. He just stood there listening to me.

Just when I thought he understood everything that he said blew my mind.

Mind your own business lady. Don’t tell me how to raise my dog

Yeah. People know how to be rude. Even when you try to help them.

I said to myself that’s the last time I will help someone. I was nervous.

When I came home and saw my beautiful Golden Retriever, everything vanished.

I can’t quit informing you about healthy life because of some rude person.

This is for all of you dog lovers.

What to give and what not is finally resolved.

After this, you will rest assured knowing best food for dogs and that you have a healthy dog in your home.

Let’s start.

Coconut & Coconut oil

The powerful food for people is also highly beneficial for your dog.

Coconut contains Lauric acid. When dogs consume it, this acid produces monoglyceride monolaurin.

This substance helps the dog destroy pathogenic bacteria and different forms of viruses.

What’s more, coconut contains albumin. This is a water-soluble protein that can be found in many animal liquids and tissues.

Lean Meat

Oh, meat. Dog’s favorite food. We all know you can’t give only meat to your dog.

The lean meat it’s highly beneficial, though.

Many vets have improved this meat.

Thick chicken, pork or beef with no visible fat and added seasonings or sauces is among the best dog treats for training.

With this, you give an extra quality protein to your dog.

Lean meat is awesome.

It’s a great source of amino acids and B vitamins.

These vitamins are involved in maintaining great energy in your dog’s metabolism.


Just like lean meat, the liver is a great training treat. It can also be used as a meal replacement.

You can find it in most pet stores in freeze-dried form. Also, you can buy it fresh from the grocery store to feed your dog at home.

The fresh liver can be cooked and baked.

This meat is known as a great source of B Vitamins, Vitamin A and Vitamin K.

It contains iron, too.

Warning: too much liver is toxic for your dog. Limit the amount of liver that you give to your dog. No more than 1g of fresh liver /Kg body weight a day.

Salmon and Tuna

You already know fish is amazing for us, people.

They are high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Did you know that these fatty acids keep your dog’s coat shiny and healthy?

Well, now you know.

Feeding him with salmon and tuna will support your dog’s immune system.

Your dog will love cooked salmon. You can even add salmon oil to his food.

Sometimes, I give him the salmon skin as a snack.

Tuna is known as a cat snack. Release those stereotypes and give your dog this healthy meal.

It’s high in proteins, vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids.


Another healthy snack.

Eggs are great for their diet. Your dog will welcome additional protein boost.
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Cheese & Cottage Cheese

Before adding this snack to their diet, make sure your dog is not lactose intolerant.

Cheese is high in fat. Opt for something that have low or reduced fat.

Cottage cheese is a great choice. It’s high in calcium and protein.

Greek Yogurt & Kefir

Same as cheese, high in calcium and protein.

Feed him only yogurts that DO NOT contain added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Yogurts without active bacteria are good for the digestive system of your dog.


Your dog needs fiber.

Oatmeal is here to satisfy that need. It’s great for older dogs who suffer from bowel irregularity issues.

If your dog is allergic to wheat, oatmeal is a great substitute.

Cook oatmeal before serving it to your dog.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are safe for your dog. They are a great source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Beta-carotene and manganese.

I often use them as a chewy treat for my dog.

Slice them up and dehydrate them.


Sitting home and watching a movie can’t pass on without popcorns and your dog.

If you want your dog to join you for a tasty popcorn treat, cook some with no butter or salt.

It’s a low-calorie treat. What’s best, popcorn contains potassium and bone-building minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.

Flax Seed (Oil or Milled)

Another great source of omega-3 fatty acids.

As I said earlier, these acids are great for the skin and coat of your dog.

Whole flax seeds are also quite healthy for your dog. Go rancid before you feed your dog up with whole flax seeds.

Flax oil is a better source of omega-3 acids. They are more concentrated there.

It doesn’t contain fiber, though.

Store the oil or seeds in the fridge in an airtight dark container.

Baby Carrots

They are beneficial for the dog’s teeth.

Great low-calorie snacks and high in fiber and beta-carotene.

Green Beans

Beans with no added salt are a great low-calorie snack.


Frozen or thawed, add them to your dog’s diet.

They are a great source of potassium, phosphorous and Vitamin B.


No list can go without this powerful vegetable.

Broccoli has the same reaction for your dog’s health.

This vitamin-rich veggie is a great nutritional boost for dogs.


Warning: Make sure broccoli is no more than 10% of your dog’s diet. There is a possibility for gastrointestinal irritation if your dog overeats it.

Seaweed Nori

Dried edible seaweed you often consume when you go out for sushi.

You can find it in supermarkets that have Asian food.

It’s rich with protein, fiber, Vitamin C, E and all forms of B Vitamins.

On top of that, Nori contains minerals like copper and zinc.

It has the ability to regulate your dog’s metabolism with sterols and chlorophyll.

Learn your dog to eat Nori by giving him Annie Chun’s Seaweed Snacks

Fruit Salad

A great choice of fruit salad is healthy for your dog.

Make a fruit salad using strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, apples, bananas and watermelon.

Apple Slices

Feeding your dog with apple slices will clean the residue off his teeth.

They are a good source of Vitamin A and C and fiber.

Take out the seeds and core before you feed your dog.

You don’t want to risk him getting choked.


The herb that clears the “stinky breath”. Add few tablespoons of chopped parsley for extra flavor and color.

Aside from improving your dog’s breath, it’s a good source of beta-carotene, potassium and calcium.


Let your dog eat pears, but without the cores and seeds. They can be toxic.

Cut a pear up, throw the core away and feed the eatable pieces to your dog.

You can feel free and add these foods to your dog’s diet.

He will be grateful.

On the other hand, there is something you are not allowed to give him.

The foods you will see below could harm your dog’s health.

Check out what to avoid:

You should care for your dog just like you care for your health.

Giving him the right food will make him healthier and happier.

Now, do you know someone else who has a dog?

Dog lovers should know this! Don’t you think?

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