We all know that Portable Document Format or PDF is one of the most widely used file formats in today’s digital world. It comes with good reasons, as well, including file versatility, universally accessible, easy to access, and it is encryption supported, which is why PDFs are widely preferred by anyone.
But, what if you have a different file format? What is the best way or platform for you to convert your files to and from PDF? Since there are so many for you to choose from on the internet, it can become quite tedious to choose one, right? But what if we give you the best and the only platform that can help you in so many ways and one that offers the best features and tools? What platform are we talking about? For you to know, you have to read further on our article.
GogoPDF is a free platform that allows aspiring users to easily convert, edit, and manage their files just by using their web browser. With this platform, you can quickly convert any file into your chosen file format, including PDF to PDFA, PDF to JPG, PDF to PNG, PDF to Word, PDF to PPT, PDF to Excel, and vice versa. This fact only proves that it is one of the converter platforms that provide users with a vast choice of file formats.
Moreover, it isn’t only limited to a file converter since it offers other tools and functionalities, such as PDF split, protect, add watermark, add page numbers, compress, or even merge. Knowing this, you really don’t need to move from one platform to another just to find the tool that you need in completing your task. So, without further ado, here are the most anticipated features that GogoPDF has to offer:
Safe and Secure
Of course, it is a given that anyone reading this wants their files to be safe and secure whenever they upload them on the internet, right? We all know that there are so many cyber criminals that are just waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal information from your files or compromise your files. We all don’t want that. With GogoPDF, you don’t need to get anxious about whether your files will be safe or secure whenever you upload them in the platform’s system.
GogoPDF is a trusted platform that gives users ample security that guarantees the safety of their files on the internet. It has installed a Secure Socket Layer or SSL encryption technology which ensures that your files are encrypted whenever you move them along the internet. Additionally, according to the platform’s privacy policy, the platform is prohibited from storing any information regarding any user, including their credit card information, security or passcodes, and even the files.
Easy to use
GogoPDF’s user interface is extremely easy to navigate. Upon entering their website, you will immediately notice how easy it is to the eyes and how easy it is to choose the tools you’re planning to use. All you have to do is just click on the tool you wish to utilize, and it will immediately redirect you to a new page where you can easily upload the files you want to process.
When the upload is complete, you can now start the process right away, making it an extremely easy platform to use. When the process is complete, you can choose whether you want to directly download and save it into your storage devices or share it with other people via the unique shareable link given to you. It is worth noting that these shareable links only have a limited time. However, you can just request another one right away without costing you anything.
Customer Service
One amazing thing about GogoPDF is its responsive customer service team. Whenever you experience or encounter any problem or mishaps, you can immediately send a message to their customer service representatives that will happily give you a helping hand. Since GogoPDF aims in improving the quality of their services, they will gladly accept any sort of feedback, comments, or thoughts that any user may have that would ultimately help them in improving their services.
Moreover, if you opt to subscribe to a paid subscription called the GogoPDF Pro, you are entitled to customer service priority, which means that the representatives will prioritize you more compared to free users.
Overall, we can safely say that nothing beats the features and tools that GogoPDF offers. This is the reason why it is the best online PDF converter platform you will ever find on the internet. So, what are you even waiting for? Give it a shot now!