
Given birth recently? Try these 5 tips to make your recovery a little easier

Congratulations on the birth of your newborn. You’re probably feeling a mixture of emotions at the moment, everything from elated to feeling a little overwhelmed, frazzled, worrying about your baby and of course utterly exhausted. The important thing to remember is that your body has just done an incredible thing – you’ve conceived, grown and given birth to a human being! Recovery is generally a little slow, however there are ways that you can make it a little easier for yourself. Read on to find out what they are.

If you believe you suffered a birth injury or if you have a medical malpractice claim, then it’s important to speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Click here to find out more about Missouri medical malpractice statute.


It sounds obvious, but sometimes the simplest things are often the most difficult to do. After the physicality of giving birth and the emotional upheaval, not to mention the baby needing feeding every couple of hours, you’re going to need as much sleep as you can get. Don’t worry about cleaning the house or making sure everything is just right for visitors, concentrate on you and your children. Sleep when the baby sleeps, or if you find it difficult to sleep during the day, rest as much as you can to preserve your energy levels.

Ask for help

Don’t be reluctant to ask for help. You probably have plenty of friends and family who are waiting to be asked and who want to help you. So, indulge them! Whether they can help you with looking after your other children, doing the weekly shop, picking up some medication from the chemist, housework or running errands. Focusing on your recovery and your newborn as much as you can is what’s important right now.

Eat healthily

Most new moms simply eat whatever is available! But if you can, try to eat a balanced diet of leafy greens, colourful veggies, fresh fruit and get plenty of vitamins and minerals into your body. It will help with recovery and getting back to your pre-pregnancy body. You also need to focus on drinking plenty of water too, to keep yourself hydrated and healthy. Eating right will also give you plenty of energy too.

Check in with your partner

Of course, you’re the one who’s been through the most both physically and emotionally! But checking in with your partner is also important. Reach out to them and see how they’re feeling, If either of you are struggling or having issues, then simply asking how they’re doing can start a conversation. In short, it’s good for both of you.


Wait until you get the all clear from your health professionals before you start exercising. It’s usually around 6 weeks. However, don’t feel rushed to hit the gym or feel pressured to “snap back” into your pre-pregnancy shape. Do what’s right for you and your baby. Maybe take them for a walk around the block a few times or join a mother/baby fitness club!

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