I have a blanket that is always near me. In fact, while I’m writing this, I’m covered with it.
It’s not that my house is cold or anything like that. I just love it when I have a blanket on me.
I always thought this would be a thing while I’m a little girl. But that continued on and on. And here I am now. Covered with a blanket like my house is -10 degrees.
Right before Christmas I was talking with my husband about what I want as a present. He mentioned something about a new blanket, but I said I have that. I need something else.
That’s how he got me a new blender.
If Christmas was tomorrow, I will accept the idea and show him this. A blanket that looks so warm that it could warm the entire army.
Plus, this blanket is just so great for cuddling.
It was brought up by a Ukrainian Designer Anna Mo. She knits these amazing blankets. She uses the biggest yarn you have ever seen. The result is amazing because this blanket looks so luxurious and nice.
By looking at the pictures, you will agree that this is the best concept you’ve seen lately.
It makes you want to find the perfect material and knit one for yourself.
I know I will do that.
Here is the tutorial for knitting one of the best and warmest blankets ever!
Let’s get down and knit!
Share this with your friends. They can help you with the knitting part.
Source: Blog.auntyacid
I really enjoyed the video you had attached to this post! I have never knit before so I will definitely have to check out that first but I really liked how you showed an alternate way of having large knitting needles in a cost-efficient way. I enjoy sewing and have always thought about learning how to knit but never really had something I really wanted to do. This would be an awesome accent blanket in my living room though and a supper comfy blanket to get cozy with, and i’m sure my daughter would love it too!! Thank you for the post 🙂
Very nice…is this a K1…P1 pattern across
Can you arm knit this?