Fashion has always been my thing. I don’t know much for it, but I know a few simple things that make me look stunning.
I just love it when I need to go somewhere for a special occasion. It’s like a special day for me.
I don’t spend lots of money on clothes. I always tend to find the best deal. When this special occasion comes, I’m ready to do a combination.
Plus, my friend is a clothes designer and fashion critique. I always call her when I need some advice.
Lots of you don’t have a friend like that, so it’s a little bit harder to have your style under control all the time.
That’s not a bad thing. You are your own fashion critique and clothes combiner. Sometimes that’s good. Please don’t say that I told you this. My friend will kill me.
If you are like me, you also want to follow trends and look perfect all the time. You can’t proceed without having a few tricks up in your sleeve.
I know I have.
So, I wanted to tell you some simple tricks you can use the next time you are dressing up!
Here we go:
1. Remove Extra DYE in Jeans
2. Upcycle the “too big” button shirt
3. Zipper Stuck? Just Rub Vaseline, a graphite pencil tip, or crayon wax over the jam
4. Musty Smell? 1/3 Vodka and 2/3 Water will do the trick!
5. Hairspray the New Tights and make them Live Longer
6. Airdry Your Pants if they feel too Tight
7. Shaving cream Dissolves even the Toughest Stain
8. This
9. How to make bra Strap Converter For Low-Back Dresses
10. How To Prevent Wrinkles When Packing Your Suit Jacket
11. Stains? Quick! Get the Sanitizer. Rub it and Wash it
12. Smelly jeans? FREEZE THEM!
Do you think you can import these amazing tricks?
It’s for your style!
Don’t forget to share this with your friends. They want to know what you know!
Source: Diply