What is an LEI code ?
Different financial transactions take place throughout the world every day. For big transactions, authentic records are required, which are usually done by business entities. The LEI code is an alpha-numeric code that distinguishes legal entities from each other. The code contains information about different businesses or entities involved in financial transactions.
Why is LEI code registration and renewal important?
There are various reasons that encourage legal entities to get their LEI code registration and renewal to ISO (an international organization of standardization):
- Global recognition: once your organization is registered with an LEI code, its credibility and authenticity go out of the question. Your organization will be recognized on a global level, and you can do transactions across borders easily. GLEIF (global LEI foundation) will regulate and endorse your business too.
2. It is sometimes mandatory: few regulations have made it compulsory for the organizations to be registered with LEI. If the organizations do not get themselves registered, they might not be able to do financial transactions or, even worse, might have to pay fines.
3. It assists in the KYC (know your customer) process: while doing various financial transactions, you must ensure whether the interaction between you and other entities is credible and trustworthy. When B2B transactions take place, the authenticity can only be checked through the LEI code. Hence for better connections and trustworthy transactions, an LEI code is required.
4. . Easy verification: LEI works best when you are ready to be transparent in the corporate world. Machines and humans can verify the legitimacy of your organization by looking at the information provided in the LEI code. Who owns the company, and what are its credentials? Every single detail is transparent to other entities; hence it builds trust and legality in your organization.
5. For security purposes: LEI codes can be embedded in financial statements, certificates, reports etc. hence, no one can claim for any other legal purposes as your code is generated on it apparently. No one can appear out of the blue and claim their ownership of your organization. It stays safe and legal in your hands.
Probably these reasons are enough to get your LEI registration done. It’s done manually as well as online. Hence you get it with your feasibility.
How does LEI play a significant role in cryptocurrency and monetary policy?
As the world is getting much more digitized, the use of cryptocurrency is increasingly pacing. Its recognition across the globe has made transactions more accessible and safer. However, to ensure whether the transactions are secure the LEI registration is mandatory. With this new payment or transaction method, the protection will be guaranteed by LEI. As the company you are trading with is registered with LEI, it will make it easy for you to digitally do the transaction without the fear of defaults. Additionally, your registration to LEI will encourage other entities to do transactions with you in cryptocurrency as you will be transparent.
This will further enhance the financial system throughout the world and ultimately improve the monetary policy of every country with more reliable and safe records digitally.
Who needs the LEI code registration?
Entities involved in financial transactions are required to register an LEI (legal entity identifier). For example, the entities involved in bonds, currencies, stocks, credit derivatives, forex, etc., will require to show themselves safe and reliable. Therefore, if you are a company engaged in such financial transactions, it becomes mandatory for you to get yourself registered; otherwise, your trades will be blocked. You will not be able to do transactions; hence, your business activities will be halted.
Can the general public access LEI data?
The data that is on the legal identity identifier of any legal entity is visible to everyone. Be it other legal entities or the general public. Anyone willing to invest or do transactions from any business can see their performances, ownership, assets, liabilities, etc., and can make the decision accordingly. Transparency makes the organization reliable and credible. On the other hand, there are specific databases sponsored by private organizations which might not show their data to the general public. However, the privately sponsored databases are not unreliable. They have the same amount of credibility as the publicly sponsored databases do.