Your husband is a great dad!
I know he is eager to keep your kids entertained all the time.
Sometimes what he does is not enough or maybe your kids don’t feel like playing with him.
Kids have their own principles!
Right when they start showing character asking for things, that’s the moment when you need to teach them stuff.
Be careful because you can become boring really fast.
Everything you teach should sound really good and entertaining in their ears.
That’s why it’s important for you to keep doing new stuff for them.
This father you will see in the video does something amazing.
It’s really adorable and watching it from here is really funny.

The parody of “I’m sexy and I know it” is absolutely entertaining and funny.
Your husband can perform a parody of some other song.
The magic is in his movements.
Make sure you get everything on video and share it with us.
We would like to see it.
Until then, he is the brave and amazing father who did this to entertain his kids:
OMG, he even twerks!
Share this with your friends and make a video collection.
Maybe we will have a contest: “The best daddy entertaining performance”.