Coffee pods consist of portioned coffee that is pressed into 7-gram packs. One package of Coffee pods can make a standard espresso cup. This refreshing drink remains one of the most consumed in the world. A vast industry provides dozens of beans varieties so that a person can enjoy a palette of coffee flavors. The main types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta. They differ in caffeine content, aroma, and taste. Arabica has a distinct taste and intense smell, which depends on the type of beans and where the coffee trees grow. Robusta is prized for its tannins, which impart bitterness and high levels of caffeine with mood-uplifting effect. The taste depends not only on the type of grain but also on the technique used to prepare the drink. Manufacturers come up with new technologies so that everyone can make good coffee.
The concept of coffee pods
Pods are disposable filter paper bags containing ground coffee, either pressed or loose. One pod makes one serving of the drink. Special machines are used in making coffee drink out of coffee pods. Besides, many manufacturers produce “hybrid” carob coffee machines, which can be filled with freshly ground coffee or pods.
Ideal packaging for coffee
A semi-permeable packet contains 7-9 grams of compressed coffee. This is a standard classic served with a balanced taste. By mixing different varieties of Arabica and Robusta, blenders create unique flavor bouquets. The mixture of coffee beans is roasted and allowed to settle for several days. After grinding, the coffee powder is immediately packed and pressed in the machine. Ready-made pods are packed in foil sachets to preserve the taste and smell of coffee. For adherence to a healthy lifestyle, packets of decaffeinated coffee are produced.
Filter bags from different manufacturers differ in paper density, shape, and diameter. ESE pods are available with a diameter of 44 mm. Inside the bag, there is a hard-pressed coffee in the form of a tablet, recommended for making espresso. The package is designed for 30-60 ml of water.
The Senseo standard pods are distinguished by a large diameter (from 55 mm to 62 mm), consisting of loose coffee powder. The bags are suitable for making espresso, americano, longo brands of coffee. It turns out a creamy drink with a dense foam. Due to the more substantial paper, the filters retain their strength; up to 150 ml of water can be passed through them.
How to make a coffee drink from coffee pods
Brewing an aromatic drink with a pod machine and small portioned coffee bags is simple, quick, and pleasant. To enjoy a coffee cup, it will be enough to decide on the choice of coffee pod and then put it in a special compartment of a coffee machine. Before starting the cooking mode, there should be enough water in the water compartment. After making a drink, discard the used coffee pods, leaving the container clean and ready to reuse new pods. Most of the machines are entirely silent, and the preparation of a drink takes a few minutes. Add to this the absence of the need to grind the coffee beans yourself, and the benefits of using coffee pods will seem even more tangible. As for the quality of coffee in the pods, which many may question, the choice should be made only in favor of manufacturers with a proven long-term reputation and preliminary tasting of drinks from small sets.
The main types of coffee in pods
Coffee pods are a superior technology for rep-packaging coffee in filter bags. These are individual sachets with a disposable tablet. Every consumer can feel the taste and aroma of espresso no worse than those prepared by a professional barista. These are the main types of coffee packaged in coffee pods and are available in the marketplace.
Buscaglione Decaffeinato is already a mixture of different varieties of Central American Arabica. This coffee has a slight acidity and fruity aftertaste that can be enjoyed in any amount. Caffeine is extracted from this coffee, so it is safer for your health if you drink more of it. One bag contains 7 grams of ground coffee.
Buscaglione. Long coffee pods are made, especially for those who prefer Americano or Longo. This coffee has a slight bitterness on the palate and an almond aftertaste. Moreover, the spicy aromas will make the coffee break even longer. The scent of such a pod is more intense with spicy notes.
Buscaglione Passione (Classico) is a real Italian espresso that will delight all coffee lovers. In a cup of such coffee, one can feel the taste of nuts and chocolate and see a dense, brown foam. This coffee is recommended for making cappuccino and espresso.
Italco Assolo is very mild with a sweet and sour fruity aftertaste. Such a delicate aroma and a small golden foam cannot leave you indifferent. One packet contains Brazilian arabica “Santos” and other varieties of Arabica. The caffeine in this drink is 1.2%, which is very good for consumption at any time of the day.
Italco Concerto coffee has a fresh and invigorating taste, and you can feel the taste of dark hazelnuts and a bright aftertaste in it. Its foam is usually thick and dense. The composition of this coffee includes Arabica, with the addition of African and Asian Robusta.
How to choose the right pods with coffee
Pod and hybrid coffee makers are designed for a specific tablet’s inner diameter. When buying coffee, a customer needs to check if the pod complies with the standard that the coffee maker supports.
The packaging always indicates which varieties of coffee (Arabica or Robusta) make up the bag’s contents, the degree of roast, and grinding. The more Robusta in the coffee blend, the stronger the coffee will be.
Which coffee machines are suitable for making coffee pods?
The drink can be prepared in special and carob coffee machines equipped with an adapter for coffee bags. Pod coffee machines are compact, quiet, and easy to use. The filter bag is put into the holder, the cooking parameter is selected, and after 20-30 seconds, the fragrant, refreshing drink is ready. After cooking, the pod can be easily removed, and the next portion can be cooked. There are coffee machines that prepare two cups of coffee at the same time. For each coffee maker of a particular brand, one needs to choose filter bags recommended by the manufacturer. ESE pods are used for coffee machines bearing the same mark. The Senseo series coffee makers are suitable for coffee bags with a diameter of 55 mm.