Reading before bedtime is one of the world’s greatest traditions. It brings families together and it’s certainly one of the family bonding activities that many kids look forward to. Reading takes children and adults alike on a wonderful and magical journey, one where they get to explore many possibilities. There are many benefits parents can reap if they read a book to their child before bed.
Read on to find out what exactly you’ll be gaining if you adopt this timeless tradition.
It Boosts Brain Development
Studies have shown that when parents read to their children, as early as when they’re babies, it enhances their brain development more than you know. You don’t have to wait until your child can read so you can develop this nighttime routine. It’s recommended to read to your child as early as you can because it helps develop how their brain processes images as well as speed their vocabulary and speech. Reading before bedtime also promotes many skills in a child, be it their language skills, or their listening and communication abilities. It also improves their logical thinking skills.
It Sparks Their Imagination
Reading also has a way of strengthening a child’s imagination because they’re reading about so many storylines and how characters go on journeys. They’re listening to descriptions and it helps their brain develop an active imagination. Reading books tend to introduce new ideas and concepts to children as well as experiences, and that promotes innovation, imagination, and creativity.
It Broadens Their Knowledge
Reading also gives them a chance to explore different worlds right from the comfort of their beds. Reading a variety of genres can enhance their knowledge and broaden their minds. If you’re unsure which kid’s books to choose, you can consider signing up for a monthly book club that will help choose a book for you. These book clubs will take your kid’s imagination to the next level by offering different genres to read every month based on your child’s age of course.
It Helps You Bond
Part of why many kids love bedtime stories is because reading brings you both closer. It’s an opportunity to bond with your child and develop a relationship, and it’s a time for cuddling with your child. Reading will then be correlated to emotional warmth and develop a sense of security because they know you’re there to guide them. Keeping this as a tradition will promote your relationship as a family.
It Promotes Better Memory and Concentration
When you’re reading to your child, they tend to imagine what you’re describing. This, of course, helps them focus and pay extra attention to the story details and events; they become engaged and involved in what you’re reading about. This also helps them retain information, thus enhancing their memory. They become accustomed to paying attention for longer periods of time on a task, and as a result, they become better students when they grow up.
It Encourages the Love for Reading
Many kids tend to find reading boring. However, studies have shown that children who were read during bedtime find reading quite entertaining. Reading during bedtime encourages their love for reading as they age because they associate it with a fun and enjoyable time as children. When they’re read to each night, chances are they grow up to enjoy reading on their own.
It Relaxes Them and Makes them Sleep Better
Any parent would tell you that putting your kid to bed isn’t always an easy task. However, many parents also claim that by creating a bedtime routine, it makes the child sleep much better through the night. Part of that routine is reading as it relaxes and calms your child down. You are narrating a story for them that promotes better sleep and creates a comfortable feeling. They’ll go to sleep in a great mood which means there’s a chance they won’t have nightmares.
It Teaches them Life Skills
Reading about heroes and villains or even children or animals going on quests and expeditions is bound to add to your child’s life skills. It teaches them morals, ethics, and proper behavior. Each night you read to your child, they’re subjected to worldly experiences where a character makes a ton of decisions. In fact, this is how a child learns right from wrong and develops proper decision-making skills.
Reading can be fun if you let it be. You can ask your child to choose a book each night, and start a magical journey from the comfort of their rooms. As mentioned above, not only does it enhance their knowledge and brain development, but it’s also a great chance to strengthen your relationship.