Every day, the voices fighting for climate change are getting louder. More and more celebrities are joining the movement and making their contribution. Among them is Jane Fonda, who had just announced she’s moving to Washington DC to be “closer to the epicenter of the fight for our climate”.
Another big name, you must have heard of by now is Leonardo DiCaprio. The guy has a foundation (The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation) dedicated to preserving the environment and stopping climate change. And, while he raises awareness through documentaries and supporting organizations, Jane Fonda took her activism to the streets.
The “The Newsroom” actress has had a long history in political activism. In her earlier years, Fonda advocated against the war in Vietnam, feminism, against the war in Iraq, and the environment.

So, it doesn’t come as a surprise when Jane Fonda said she’s very inspired by Greta Turberg and she wants to do something. In a recent interview with Los Angeles Times, Fonda opened up about why she’s moving to Washington DC.
“She read the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] report and she realized that the crisis was barreling straight at us, like a train, and looked around and people weren’t behaving appropriately. It so traumatized her that she stopped eating. I hadn’t realized that she stopped eating and speaking for almost a year. And that really hit me,” Fonda said.
After coming to Washington DC, the actress launched a “Fire Drill Fridays” campaign calling for a civil disobedience effort to raise awareness of environmental challenges.
This Friday, while protesting on Capitol Hill, the actress was hauled in by police. According to Mike Valerio, a WUSA9 reporter, he spotted Jane Fonda protesting among a dozen other people in a checkered newsboy cap and red coat. The police arrested her on the steps of the Capitol Building.
The reporter even shared a video on Twitter saying: ” @Janefonda is HERE on Capitol Hill… Planning to be arrested while protesting climate change political paralysis. She tells us she’ll be here *every* Friday into 2020 — demonstrate, get arrested, repeat.@WUSA9 #ClimateChange #breaking #FireDrillFriday”
Happening Now — @Janefonda is HERE on Capitol Hill…
Planning to be arrested while protesting climate change political paralysis.
She tells us she’ll be here *every* Friday into 2020 — demonstrate, get arrested, repeat.@WUSA9 #ClimateChange #breaking #FireDrillFriday pic.twitter.com/4bvV4qVmxg
— Mike Valerio (@MikevWUSA) October 11, 2019
United States Capitol Police Communications Director Eva Malecki told Yahoo Entertainment, about the incident. “Today, the United States Capitol Police arrested 16 individuals for unlawfully demonstrating on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol,” Malecki confirmed.
Will Fonda really keep her promise?
The actress told the Washington Post on Thursday: “I’m going to take my body, which is kind of famous and popular right now because of the [television] series and I’m going to go to D.C. and I’m going to have a rally every Friday.”
If everything goes as planned, we should expect 13 more arrests for Jane in the next couple of months.