I love when the table is set perfectly. Decorated with all the nice things you can DIY.
When I host a family gathering, I always make some decorations that I know how to do best.
The last time I did those, my daughter said, “you always make the same decorations”.
I felt a little bit embarrassed in front of her. I never felt like learning new ways to decorate the table.
That day passed and her voice kept ringing in my head. I wonder if my family thinks the same thing.
However, I’m always open for new challenges. This time, I found something very unusual.
A woman made beautiful flowers using onion and vinegar. How come I never thought of something like this?
These people who come up with stuff like these have some sort of a special mind.
Do you have some of these tips and tricks we can use?
The process for preparing this onion flower is really simple and takes just a few minutes.
Take 4 small red onions. Slightly slice every onion at one end and make them sit flat.
Quarter the onions into eight wedges, but stop at a one-half inch from the bottom so all the wedges stay together.
Put the onions in a bowl. Pour 3 tablespoons of oil and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar over the onions and gently mix.
Spread the onions in the 9×13-inch baking dish. Pour the remaining mixture over them and sprinkle with salt and cracked pepper.
Cover them and bake at 425 degrees for 30 minutes until they open.
Uncover them and bake for additional 10 minutes.
Bonus: You can even eat them.
Here is a video tutorial to make everything right.
Do this and everyone will be fascinated. They are so pretty.
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Source: PositiveMed