The world is cruel, and this story of a baby twin saying a final goodbye to his brother will prove you that.
I’m crying like a baby right now. There is no chance I can accept this. We all have kids and seeing this happening to somebody is hurting me as much as their parents.
The baby boys in the picture are Hawk and Mason. They were born on August 18th. Their parents, Tommy Buchmayer and Brandy Guettler, couldn’t be happier about their twins.
Both of them were born prematurely. The NICU in Fort Pierce, Florida is the place where the twins were getting tested.
One of them, Hawk, was diagnosed with CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia). It’s a rare condition where the diaphragm doesn’t achieve its final form. It also prevents the lung from growing entirely.
The doctors were doing everything in their power to save him. Hawk underwent surgery. His parents opened up a page in those hard times to keep their siblings updated on the boy’s progress.
A day before the risky surgery, Mason was feeling fussy, and thanks to a nurse in the hospital, both of the boys were laid next to each other.
They were separated for 11 days.
“So we laid him there and all of the sudden as soon as he felt Hawk, he reached his arm out and grabbed him and just started to smile. The two of them knew they were there for each other,” says Brandy.
Their parents were asking for their friends to keep Hawk in their prayers.
“We don’t want to brag, but Hawk has had a good two days!”
This condition is a dangerous one to have. It’s life threatening, but the parents have been hopeful because of the medical attention Hawk was getting.
“The whole ordeal is as bad as you can get. The doctors aren’t giving us false hope. We know it’s a long shot,” said Tommy.
Unfortunately, there is this heartbreaking word again, Hawk didn’t make it.
“Our hearts are saddened this morning as our sweet little man was called home to be with Jesus. He went very peacefully, and we know he’s no longer suffering. Please give us some time to grieve and try to start the healing process.” – The family wrote on Facebook
The photo of these two babies gone viral in seconds. It’s like Hawk’s brother saying his final goodbye and not to worry because everything will be okay.
The family posted this picture on Facebook:
“This picture was taken 11 days after they were born, it’s the first time they have ever touched, and as soon as Mason felt Hawk he reached out for his arm and smiled this big. We thought it was time for everyone pulling for our boy to see this picture,”
I really can’t imagine the struggle of letting the kid go while you helplessly sit and wait for the news.
I want to send my condolences to the family of this baby angel Hawk.
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My heart is crying. My soul is breaking apart.
Source: LifeBuzz
My heart goes out to this little man’s family. This story has touched me.
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