Moving is a stressful time for parents. It can be hard to find ways to entertain your children while packing up your home and preparing to move. However, there are many simple things that you can do with the kids during this process that will keep them occupied and help them feel like they are part of the moving process. We’ll discuss eight different ways to involve your children in the moving process.
1) Make a Map
Kids love to explore. Help them express their sense of adventure by making a map that shows the route between your old home and your new one. Draw pictures on the pieces of paper along with an arrow pointing from each picture to its corresponding location on the map, or draw small maps for children to color in themselves. You can also buy a map and let your children color it in.
2) Collect Moving Boxes
Moving boxes are perfect for building houses and castles. Encourage your children to build their own little village or fort by asking them to collect the moving boxes throughout the house, one box per child, of course! Once they have collected enough supplies, allow them some free reign in constructing whatever structure they want using crayons, markers, and tape.
3) Create a Goodie Box
Goodie boxes are great for keeping children entertained during the moving process. You can make your goodie box in minutes by filling an empty shoebox with age-appropriate toys and treats such as stickers, crayons, or books. Make sure to include some small pieces of candy so that no one feels left out!
4) Have a Moving Party
Moving isn’t always fun, but it doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Invite some of your children’s friends over for one last get-together before the big day. If you’re moving far away from family or good friends, then this can also serve as an opportunity to say goodbye in person. Even if it’s just for a few hours, you can have fun reminiscing about the past and making new memories before moving day.
5) Build and Decorate a Moving Truck
Decorating a cardboard box moving truck is much easier than decorating an entire house. All you need are some crayons, markers, and paper to let your children create their designs on the side of the moving truck. This will keep them busy for hours as they discuss what each picture should be or where it should go, and after it’s decorated, they can play in it.
6) Create a Memory Box
Memory boxes are excellent ways to give children ownership over the moving process. Fill an old shoebox with pictures from your home, as well as magazine cutouts of places you plan on visiting in your new town. Let each child create their own memory box and decorate it however they want using crayons or markers. If you have a little extra time, this is also a great opportunity to pull out the old camera and take some pictures for each child.
7) Make a Moving Box Ornament
If you’re looking for festive ways to involve your children in the moving process, then consider making a homemade ornament. Cut out pieces of construction paper and decorate them with crayons or markers before placing them inside an empty box and sealing it shut. You can attach this decoration to the tree yourself or let your children do the honors.
8) Shake Up the House
This game is great for keeping children entertained while you’re trying to pack up their toys. Take all of your kids’ stuffed animals and throw them into a big bag, then spread out some newspaper on the floor and let each child pick one animal at a time. The first person to find their favorite toy wins.
In conclusion, there are many ways to involve your children in the moving process. The most important thing is that you let them know they’re loved and respected even if their input isn’t always immediately appreciated or taken into consideration. Children need consistency during times of change, not unreasonable expectations.