In case you have ever been involved in an auto accident and didn’t know what to do after, this article will guide you through. Most drivers will be involved in an auto accident at some point in their driving career so it’s important that everyone is prepared for what to happen after being involved in an auto accident. We have compiled a list of 7 steps that will help you get back on the road in no time!
1) Call Your Insurance Company
Call your insurance company as soon as you can and let them know about the accident. If they do not hear from you, the chances are that they will assume it was a hit and run and therefore check for uninsured drivers in their system to compensate you. This is especially important if there were no witnesses or cameras around during the time of the collision because, without any evidence against another driver, your claim may be denied by the other party’s auto insurance provider (if they had one).
2) Call the Police
If anyone is injured, it’s important to call the police immediately if they are not already there. You may need their assistance when it comes time to deal with your insurance company or deal with liability issues.
3) Take Pictures of All Cars and Everyone Involved
This will help create a clearer picture if there are conflicting reports among witnesses about who was at fault during the collision. Make sure that all parties’ faces are visible and license plates and physical features such as height/weight if applicable. You should also take photos from various angles, including close-ups of the damage to both cars.
4) Get Other Drivers’ Information
Make sure to get the other drivers’ contact information if you need to speak with them later. If they don’t want to give their info, write down their license plate number and state that it is required by law to provide this information if asked! For more on what information the driver should exchange, visit here.
5) Admit No-Fault
If the accident is still in the beginning stages, then you must admit no fault even if your car or truck was struck by another vehicle! This way, when dealing with insurance companies, everything will go much more smoothly.
6) Have Injuries Documented by a Doctor
If any of your injuries are causing pain or discomfort, make sure to write them by seeing a doctor as soon as possible. This way, you’ll have the necessary proof if and when dealing with insurance companies!
7) Speak with a Lawyer
Speaking with a personal injury attorney may be helpful in the long run. They can help you get back on your feet if any injuries are causing ongoing health problems or you sustained other property damages during the incident.
In conclusion, if you’ve been in an auto accident, you must follow these steps as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to speak with a personal injury attorney or insurance agent for more information on how they can help!