
5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Social Work as Your New Career

Every now and then, we all feel like making change. Change can be a good thing, a means of evolving and progressing, but it’s not always easy to overcome the inertia. This is most evident in our professional lives – how many people do you know who stay in jobs they don’t like just because they fear the change?

If you are looking for a new career path that can offer you professional satisfaction and the opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives, social work is a great choice. Here’s why.

Varied Work

There are lots of different forms of social work that you can undertake today. But regardless of who you end up working with, every day in social work will be a little different. No matter how much you plan, or what routines you develop with your clients, social work will force you to think on your feet and adapt to unpredictable situations.

If you are looking for a job that will challenge you in new and unexpected ways, social work is an excellent career path to choose. When you are studying and training for a career in social work, you will learn a lot about all the different aspects of the work. You can always move from one type of social work to another once you have qualified.

You Aren’t Tied to a Desk

Some people just can’t stand the idea of being confined to a desk all day having to churn out meaningless and boring work. If you can find a job that you genuinely love and enjoy, it becomes much easier to get yourself up in the morning and get to work. Social work will get you out and about, you will only spend a small portion of your time dealing with administrative tasks.

Anyone Can Do It

The requirements for enrolling on a Masters in Social Work degree are relatively relaxed. You will need to have a bachelor’s degree to enroll in offline and online msw programs, and many will also require you to have a GPA of at least 3.0 for everything after the first 60 hours of your course.

Unique Challenges and Rewards

Social work is completely unlike any other job or profession. Social workers are there to help and support people who need it the most. This isn’t always easy, but the rewards for overcoming these challenges are worth the trouble. If you want to succeed as a social worker then you will need to be able to deal with the more difficult bits of the job – and there will be plenty of those.

As time goes on, your skillset will widen and you will be able to take on new challenges with ease. Ultimately, you will come to learn how to help patients through some of the most difficult periods in their lives and reap the rewards that come from that.

Learn About Yourself and Others

Social work is exactly the kind of challenging work that will teach you a lot about yourself, as well as the people you work with. It is likely that by the end of your first year in social work, you will feel as if you understand yourself much better than you did before.

If you are passionate about helping other people and making a difference, a career in social work might be the perfect career path for you. Those who already hold a BA will qualify for most MSW courses and can begin working towards their new career today.

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