
5 easy golf tips that we wish we knew when we started playing golf

1. Practice out on the golf course

You can spend hours on the driving range, but golf is best learned in the course. Moreover, that is also a lot more fun. Just like WhatAllTheProsUse have mentioned, you could have the best sports equipment in your golf bag but under pressure it will all come down to your skills. You will then have to deal with all strokes, balls in different positions and course management. If you have not played that long, play regularly on the same course. This makes it easier to monitor the progress of your game and scores. There is a good chance that things will continue to improve and that is good for your self-confidence. 

You can also go on a par-3 course. The holes are shorter there, but you practice both your short and long strokes. If you want to get into the big job but still need a lot of strokes, play in the quiet hours; then you can also play the par-5s at your own pace. If the confidence is right, then definitely play on other courses to see if you can adjust your game to new circumstances!

2. Choose a golf membership that suits you

Perhaps a less obvious first tip, but a suitable membership is more important than you may think. Golf is no longer half an hour in the driving range and then four to five hours in the course for 18 holes. There are now all sorts of forms and types of memberships. You can opt for a virtual club (without a permanent job) for a low amount per year and buy individual green fees or for a club with a job. The ‘grassed clubs’ nowadays offer various forms of subscription: 9-hole memberships, twilight memberships, youth memberships, etc. They also increasingly have different golf courses: 6-hole courses, par-3 courses , pitch & putt. See what suits you and make sure you have a good feeling about the price you pay. 

3. Choose the correct tee for your shot

Golf courses require different tees: white, yellow, blue, red and orange. The white tee is furthest from the green, the orange the least. Everyone can play of all tees. For the fun and speed of the game it is good to play off the tee that best fits your game level and handicap. If you can reach the green in two strokes on a par 4, you are on the right tee and golf becomes more fun. If it goes better, feel free to stand on a more difficult tee or go further forward to see if you score better from there.

Here is a little guide for you:

  • up to 125 meters: orange
  • between 125 and 160 meters: red
  • between 160 and 190 meters: blue
  • between 190 and 225 meters: yellow
  • further than 225 meters: white

4. Analyze your golf game

To get better at golf it is useful to know what your weaknesses and strengths are. And that is sometimes not as clear as you think. Teaching pros often experience that someone takes a putting lesson because he or she thinks that the problem lies there, while a closer analysis shows that it is more about the chip that does not come close enough to the hole (so you have longer putts) ). So keep track of how the strokes go for a few laps. How often does your ball end up on the fairway, how many strokes do you take to get to the green, how many putts do you need? If you want a way to measure your efforts and improvement, invest in a golf simulator that will accurately gauge your swing power and the ball flight.

5. Invest in yourself

If you know what your weaknesses are, invest in yourself by taking lessons with a PGA professional working on your less strong points for 30 to 45 minutes during the week after work can do a lot for your golf game. You get confidence and more pleasure in your game and the result is immediately reflected in your scorecards.

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