Stem cell therapy is gaining popularity in the medical field. With procedures and protocols thoroughly investigated clearing its stance, reproductive medicine using stem cells is still controversial to many people. With its use in degenerative diseases catching up, continuous research shows the potential to use regenerative medicine in numerous ways successfully. Still, there are some misconceptions among many people about the process. Here are five common misconceptions.
1- Regenerative Medicine Comes from Embryos
A majority of people reject regenerative medicine since they think it primarily comes from embryos. It leads to ethical debates mainly by the religious community, which in turn calls for political standing. The reality is that only a small percentage of stems cells come from embryos. The majority comes from adults and the patients themselves. Most harvested mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are from adipose (fat) tissue, which is 2000 times the amount found in the bone marrow. The harvested cells have been found to have substantial regenerative benefits in adjacent areas next to problems being treated by the medicine. With adipose harvesting easier on the patient and highly effective, the need for an embryo stem cell base for regenerative medicine is minimal.
2- Regenerative Medicine Therapy is Illegal
Another misconception is the legality of regenerative medicine. The National Institute of Health has allocated over $1 billion in funding for research on regenerative medicine, making it a legal process. Countless states have also invested millions in helping in the research processes as alternative sources of medicine. Most thought it comes from fetuses, and the reality is that it’s more from adult stems within the body. Regenerative medicine bases are found in bone marrow, muscle tissue, lungs, heart, and fat.
3- Body Rejection
Regenerative medicine is made from the patient’s stem cells. With the foundation of the body itself, rejection can’t occur. With the adipose cells autologous, it’s perfectly safe for the body to accept treatment in areas directed. It leads to another misconception of it not working, preventing patients in dire need of the treatment options from getting it. The procedure and therapy are beneficial for increased mobility for those with painful knees, hip conditions, and shoulder problems and reduce pain on the lumbar disc.
4- Regenerative Cells from Adults are Ineffective
Regenerative misconception on stem cells starts from embryo stem cells’ cleanliness. The argument arising is that there are a lot of mutations in an adult’s tissue and organs making regenerative medicine made from them ineffective. However, evidence shows that it’s highly effective for use in treatments on tendon tissues and joints. Research has further supported this claim by finding that the most excellent regenerative medicine is made from stem cells from patients’ bone marrow and fatty tissues.
5- Regenerative Medicine does Mutations
Some people believe that regenerative medicines aim to improve a patient’s abilities instead of healing ailments. However, regenerative medicine aims to help patients get back to their previous standard of living before injuries and ailments. Positions that would have otherwise been hopeless if conventional medicines were used, something straightforward by regenerative medicine. Some of the most common treatments are neurological and autoimmune disorders, anti-aging, cardiac and pulmonary conditions, sexual wellness, and hair restoration.
With the benefits of regenerative medicine clear, misconceptions are being debunked daily through scientific research, allowing for more people needing it to get it. Only a licensed hospital or clinic should carry out the procedures.
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