Binder clips are a true lifesaver when we need to keep a large stack of papers together, when the paper clip is simply too small. They are no office can be without, and once you see this list, you’ll agree that no home should be without them either.
Small, compact and with a strong forceful grip, binder clips can have so many uses apart from holding papers that will truly surprise you. Every household has its share of a small, annoying problems in need of a quick fix, and the binder jut might do the job for most of them.
From wardrobe malfunction solutions to organization tricks, here are 32 things the binder clip can help out with.
Pencil And Card Holder
Keychain And Money Clip
Photo Display Without a Frame
Wrapping Paper Organizer
Recipe And Book Holder
Sanitary Sponge Holder
Razor Safety Cover
Toothpaste Tube Squeezer
Napkin Holder
Laundry Machine Lonely Sock Solution
Missing Button Solution
Hipster Sleeve Holder
Easy Smartphone Dock
Cable Catcher
Coffee Filter Holder
Preventing Bottles In Fringe From Falling Over
Small Colored Binder Clips As Wine Glass Charms
Organizing Billetin Board Organizers
Cloth Fastener For A Ceiling Mop
Cell Phone Car Mount
Food Thermometer Holder
Cup Holder
Tidy Unraveling Of Yarn
Tablecloth Binder
Neatly Wrap, Shorten, and Store Cables
Label Display
Bag Display On The Inside Of A Pantry Door
Organizing Vegetables In The Freezer
Pants Management for Bikers
Photo Chain Display
Duvet Cover Set-Up Solution
Display Photos Without a Frame
So many useful things to do with such a small object.
Well you don’t have the one I use all the time. Close those food bags. If that package isn’t in a zip lock or you don’t use it all at once, then close it back up and put in freezer or cupboard for keeping till needed again.