
3 Types of Vitamins

Vitamin as an essential compound of organic molecules is very important for the human body and good immune system, and it cannot be synthesized in the body, but acquired through the diet that the person intakes. Small amounts are sufficient for the great function of many metabolic processes of the body. Today, vitamins can be bought in many forms, as capsules, pills, powder, and real food vitamins. The last kind is the best for humans because it is plant-based made without parabens, pesticides, GMOs, and similar harmful ingredients. Lab work is something that is strictly avoided.

How Are Types of Vitamins Grouped?

Types of vitamins are grouped into two categories. The first category is fat-soluble vitamins that are absorbed more easily by the body and stored in the body’s fatty tissue. This category includes four vitamins A, D, E, and K. Second category is water-soluble vitamins.

The main difference between these two categories is that water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body. They leave the body through the urine. You’re surely asking yourself what the point is? But the point is that the human body keeps a small reserve of vitamins from this group, so they have to be taken regularly to prevent a shortage in the body.

1. Vitamin A and B

Our eyesight and an improvement in the immune system depend on vitamin A. If you have bad skin, you should know that you don’t have enough amount of this vitamin. So, you should eat enough eggs, fish and consume different milk products if you want good maintenance of different organs, healthy growth of muscle tissues, and a healthy reproductive system. When it comes to vitamin B, it can be found in bread, liver, eggs, beans, nuts, fish, and it’s good for maintaining nerve cell function, producing RBCs, and synthesizing fats and carbohydrates into energy. Also, it produces different kinds of hormones and also aiding in the replication of DNA.

2. Vitamin C and D

Vitamin C is a popular vitamin that serves as an anti-oxidant and can be found as part of real food vitamin offers. As a very important vitamin for the immune system, it leads to a better formation of iron in the body. If we have a lack of this vitamin, it could lead to scurvy or anemia. On the other hand, vitamin D is often obtained from sunlight, but it can be consumed through other sources. His role is big because it helps in the growth of bone tissues.

3. Vitamin K and E

If you don’t want to bleed to death, you should have enough amount of vitamin K because it’s helping in the coagulation of blood. Make sure that you eat enough green vegetables like cabbages, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc. Vitamin E has a linking fact with vitamin C; both of them act like anti-oxidant. Vitamin E is great for better defense against diseases; as long as you eat wheat, margarine, nuts, oils, and corn, you are safe and strong. That is not it’s only power, neuropathy, and breakdown of the red blood cells in the body can be avoided by using enough of this vitamin.


If we ignore the importance of vitamins, that can be a serious problem. For example, a lack of vitamin A could lead to a disease known as xerophthalmia. Lack of vitamin can increase the risk of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and poor bone health, damaged teeth, skin, and many other problems. When it comes to vitamins, you should use a small amount of them, but on a regular basis. They cannot be directly produced in the body, so it’s important to take foods that are high in vitamins.



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