
18 Cleaning Tips Every Person Should Know

Imagine yourself sitting in your living room watching your favorite TV show, relaxing and taking full advantage of your day-off from work.

You don’t want to hear anything that involves you cleaning the house.

This is where we come and solve many of your problems.

We are not offering to clean your house with these bathroom cleaning checklists, but we are going to give you something that will help you.

We might shared some hacks how to clean several things in your house before, but now we are giving you few extra tips you can combine with those hacks.

Ready to clean or not, here come the cleaning tips.

Sanitize Your Sponges


Clean toys in a laundry bag

2. Clean toys in a laundry bag

Oxi-Clean and water remove labels

3. Oxi-Clean and water remove labels

Salt to clean your iron

4. Use salt to clean your iron

Rubber gloves remove pet hair


Clean your pillows


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3 thoughts on “18 Cleaning Tips Every Person Should Know”

  1. I have to say that i am very disappointed by one of the cleaning tips that you have on this site. The one for the shower when i try to read the tip it takes me to a nudity website. It takes me a while to get put of that site because of all the pop ups that keep coming back as im trying to exit. Please fix this or i will have to report to Pinterest.

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