All salty snacks are real lifesavers for parents with energetic children who need to fuel up between meals without sugar. The goldfish crackers are among the favorite snacks for kids, because they can come in different flavors and colors and have a fun shape. And it is that shape that opens up a lot of fun food possibilities for the goldfish crackers.
Homemade or store bought, the goldfishies make and excellent addition or decoration for a lot of sea-themed dishes that are great for kids parties. You can also use them as decoys to make your kids eat something they hate, like the dreaded fruits and vegetables. Toss them around with sweet and salty foods and you can be sure that in the end there will be nothing left.
Wonder how you can make your own goldfish fun? These 13 recipes will definitely get your culinary imagination going.
1. Butterfly Double Treat
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2. Goldfish Drops
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3. Trail Mix With Goldfish Crackers
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4. Celery Fishing Poles And Gold Fish
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5. Bubble Guppies Cucumber Sea Snacks
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6. Food For The Breakfast Octopus
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7. Goldfish Bowl Oreos
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8. Sweet And Salty Snack
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9. Goldfish Marshmallow Pops
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10. Goldfish Canapes
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11. Celery Cheese Boats
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12. Fishing Cupcakes
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13. Something Fishy With Goldfish Crackers
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14. Under The Sea Bagels Or Ricecake
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These recipes will go great for a sea-themed birthday party, don’t you think? Don’t let the fun end here. Create your own fun use of goldfish crackers.
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I’m going to assume that you are under the age of 13 and don’t understand why your mom made one of these recipes.
If you happen to be a parent, these recipes can be seen as a way to introduce more vegetables into your child’s diet.
And before you ask, I am 13 yet I can understand these recipes and would actually like to try a few of them.